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"So..how'd the interview go?" Riley asked me once we got to school, entering through the front gates. "It was the worst Riley! A whole bunch of skinny rich girls who looked at me funny because I'm not a size 0" I replied

"Well don't give up, you got a dream college awaiting for you" she laughed. Last night I went to a interview at Brandy fucking Melville, they don't even need to call me to tell me I didn't get the job cos I already know.

"Hey Riles I gotta go to art to give back a Thee things, I'll meet u in history?" I ask her, "yeah go" she replied, going into her fathers classroom to sit and wait. I headed to art where I dropped off a few paints and supplies I took home over the weekend for a project we're doing. That shits heavy man.

By the time I was done, first bell rang. First bell means you have like 2 minutes to get to class before the actual bell which shows that class starts. Because of way the school was set up, art was on the complete opposite side to where history is.

I had to fast walk to get to class on time, not run because that would look ridiculous In my big heeled boots and well, who runs these days? Normally I wouldn't care about getting to class on time, I don't got any of the others. But with Mr Matthews thinking he's all father god like, he gets so up my ass about being on time.

I hurried up the stairs, unaware of my surroundings when I was knocked back down by the hulk. He caught my upper arms, steadying me so that I didn't fall down the huge ass flight of stairs. I looked up and that's when I met eyes with him..

And then I rolled them, instantly shrugging his grip off me. How people swoon over this boy is beyond me, he makes me literally gag "watch where your goin Hart" he chuckled "yea thanks" I mumbled, pushing past him to get to class "hey maybe next time I'll let you fall..I bet that ass would catch you" he smirked, making me slightly uncomfortable

I continued to walk past him "Fuck you, Lucas" I told him, not turning around to meet his gaze and going straight to history. I manage to get there in time, before Mr Matthews and sit in my desk. Lucas, who was going the wrong way before, came waltzing in with his little Satan follower, Farkle.

They sat behind us, Stupid seating charts. "Miss Hart. Detention after school" Matthews said after putting down his briefcase. I sat up straight in my seat, a 'What the fuck' look plastered on my face "the fuck I haven't even done anything yet??" I say curiously "did you do your homework? Did you even bring your book?" Mr Matthews asked

I sighed slightly "..okay fine.." I mumbled, a successful grin working its way onto his face "actually daddy you wrote her a note" Riley said handing me a piece of paper. I quickly scribbled down his signature, handing it to him "you got my signature down pretty good this time huh" Mr Matthews said

"You still don't have your book" he then said "it's here" Riley told him, pulling it out of her bag. My face instantly brightened "oh look no detention for Maya" I smiled. Mr Matthews sighed in defeat, turning back to the board to teach the lesson. Thanks for that one riles.

When class finished I picked up my bag and headed to Maths "Hey baby" Lucas said, coming up to me and draping his arm over my shoulder. "Go the fuck away" I tell him, earning a laugh from him "oh come on we have class together..I know you want me Hart, You don't need to deny it" he smirked

I rolled my eyes, pushing him off of me and shoving him against the lockers "if we were the last two people on earth then maybe I'd consider it" I whisper, pushing myself right up on him, batting my eyelashes

"Really?" He questioned quietly. I let my smile drop instantly "No" I say, letting go of him and walking away leaving him there.

When lunch finally rolled around I met Riley at the bleachers on the field where we meet everyday. I sat down and leans back onto the row behind me, using my arms to prop me up and laid my legs out straight on the row in front. When Riley got there, she did the same thing.

She sat down with a huff, catching my attention "what's got you in a mood?" I question "one of Satan's followers has to sit next to me in chemistry" she sighs "oh I know the pain. Satan himself got moved to sit next to me and work in pairs. He would not shut the fuck up the whole lesson" I say with a laugh which she does too

"Speaking of" she mumbled quietly, I match her eyesight, looking where she's looking "you know girls if you want to lie down I can give you a place..how about tonight?" Lucas smirked "Go and find some other little whore to tell your sexual jokes to Lucas because I'm pretty sure Riley and I are all joked out for today" I say nonchalantly, Farkle chuckles from behind him

"Goodbye" Riley stated, not giving them an option to stay. They leave without saying another word to go and join their little sex army. It consisted of Lucas, the leader. Then Farkle, his best friend, then Zay and a girl called isadora who make out on everyone's locker and then a girl called Sofia and another guy called Zach. And that was the Satan squad

"Maya are you gonna get this?" Riley questions, cutting me from my thoughts. She hold up my phone with an unknown number on it "Hello? Is this Maya Hart?" A lady questions once I accept "yes..who's this?" I ask "oh great! Well a colleague from work recommended you for babysitting and I was wondering if your interested?" She questioned

I sat up, hitting Riley's knee excitedly, her moving away to avoid the hit "yes that would be great! Thank you" I tell her. She texts over the address and told me to meet her tonight which I agreed to do.

"Who was it?" Riley questioned "ima bout to get myself a job" I squealed.

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