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That night we all got in the pool and played piggy in the middle, I was always in the middle however because I'm the shortest. We watched a few movies including a few horrors which Riley wasn't the most thrilled about considering she doesn't like them.

Lucas stayed in the bedroom, we hadn't talked much but for some reason he almost seems like he's getting nicer? Like he doesn't say as many rude things to me, he hasn't told me to go back to the kitchen this holiday either.

"What are you actually doing" He asked disgusted, distracting me from my thoughts..about him.. "I'm making an iced coffee" I smile, placing ice cubes in a cup and pouring the cold coffee over the top "that sounds so gross" he replied

"Here" I say, pulling out another glass with ice and pouring the rest of the pot into the glass. I put in the straws and slid the cup over to him. He took a sip "I'll let you off with this one" he squinted, taking another sip.

"Come to bed with me?" I ask, walking over to the stairs "No way did you actually just invite me Lucas Friar to get into bed with you Maya Hart" he joked amazed "don't be weird" I tell him, climbing into the bed and sipping on the coffee

"Hey, you haven't smoked like the whole time since we got here" I point out, he shrugs "no need to" he said. I tilt my head, thinking about his answer "why" I asked. "Well I'm not stressed..not all worked up" he answered

I was unsure whether to keep going, figuring there was a 'why are you asking so many fucking questions' coming soon. But a part of me wants to get to know him more "what gets you all worked up?" I ask curiously. He stirs the straw around his coffee a few time's, avoiding my gaze "I..dunno.." he mumbled

"tell me" I pushed. "..just not having to impress anyone or be someone I'm not. You know? Like you guys are all sooo chill. My dad is so anal about literally everything and all these girls at school try to use me. I know it's my fault, I know I've done it to myself but sometimes I wonder if things were different" he opened up

"Where is your dad? I've never met him and I've been babysitting for like 2 months at your house" I ask "he still lives in Texas. He owns a business of whatever" he replied. I decided not to ask more, there were no pictures of their whole family in the house, and all 3 of them had never talked about him.

"Do you not want all that shit with the girls?" I ask quietly. He looked up to me quickly before looking Away again, taking a sip of his drink. "I dunno. I mean it keeps me busy, but fucks up your feelings..towards other people" he mumbled.

I nodded, even though he was unable to see "what was all the questions for?" He said, finally asking me a question. "you know a bit about me, I know a bit about you" I tell him "I'm just..getting to know you" I add, lying about the last part.

I really just wanted to work out what the fuck has been going through my head all week. Like he's nice, then he isn't, he's funny and then he's caring, and then he's rude. I would never admit to liking him, but maybe I have A feeling of some kind.

"That's okay" he smiled a small smile which I returned "are we doing anything today?" Lucas asked a few minutes later "i don't think so. Riley and Farkle are out on a walk, I don't know what the others are doing" I inform him "..so..that means we can keep talking?" He asked

"If you want" I shrugged, he turned to look at me again "yea..I do" he replied. I paused, a smile on my face "Well go on then, tell me about yourself" He added a few moments later "what do you want to know" I ask "I want to know why you went through your bad phase two years ago, what made you do all that shit?" He asked

My breath caught in my mouth "wow you went straight to the deep stuff" I mumble "you..you don't have to say" he replied. I contemplated for a few minutes, my brain was shouting 'don't talk about it you dumb bitch. Maya listen to yourself your about to open up to the biggest fuckboy in the school'. And my heart was shouting 'just do it. You want him to trust you so just do it'

As if you could've guessed it, I went with my heart "..my father, my real father, and my mother were going through a rough time. They divorced like a few years before but my mom couldn't afford rent..so he stayed in the house and they were just single, but in the same house. It was a horrible time, he would bring women home like every other night and I used to have to fall asleep to the sounds of it..and..and" I open up, pausing at the end

You can just skip this part, Maya. He doesn't need to know. "You can trust me Maya" he said quietly. I got up from the bed, shutting the door then returning back to him. I pulled off my oversized shirt, placing it on the bed beside me. I hesitated a few seconds before turning around, showing him my rips and lower back

A huge scar lay across the side of my ribs, smaller ones down my lower back. Lucas' face dropped "He..He did this to you?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "The one on my ribs is from a beer bottle, the others are just whatever object he could find. Keys, anything" I reply

Lucas moves his hand up, slowly tracing the scar across my ribs, I flinched from the contact, mumbling a small "sorry" for moving. He sat up, placing gentle butterfly kisses across the scar, trailing down my back to the lower ones

I smile a small smile, letting it leave my face by the time he looked at me again. I pulled the T-shirt over my body, covering up the past so I can no longer see it. He placed his hands on my cheeks, his thumb wiping away a small tear that left my eye.

We stayed in that position for a few seconds, similar to how we were in the pool the other night. Move maya! I screamed to myself, no body part moving as a result. He leant down closely, his eyes flickering to my lips

His soft lips melted against mine, an electric spark coarsed through my veins. I pulled away a few seconds later "I'm sorry" he mumbled, moving away from me "lie with me?" I ask, climbing under the covers of the bed

I lay my head on his chest "you're so special maya" he whispered

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