Visit with Dr. Sweets. (Chapter One)

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She sat there tapping away at her phone, completely ignoring the Doctor who sat in front of her. He tap his pen on his note pad and sighs, " I do believe I said no phones during our weekly vist Mrs. Holmes" he said annoyed. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. She placed the phone onto the coffee table in front of her and sat back on the couch.

" So, how was your week?" he asked as he placed his pen to the note pad, ready to take down notes. She took a deep breath and looked at him. " You see me everyday, you know how I'm doing" she said, alomst bored with the conversation already. Sweets shook his head and rolled his eyes, " Your life OUTSIDE the Jeffersonian Mrs. Holmes, your life at home." She looked cross for a moment. She hates sharing her life story, but Caroline demanaded she do this. "Its going well, I have moved into my new fla- er apartment. I go grocery shopping down at the farmers market and I have recently talked to a friend of mine back home." She smiled in memory about that converstaion. Ah, Mary never let her down! All the gossip back home. It actually made her a little home sick. She missed London, she really did. " That's great Alex!, Have you tired talking to Mr. Ho-" " No I havent! he is too busy with Irene---" she cut her self off quickly.

Sweets gave her a smug smirk and placed his pad onto the coffee table. " You're jealousy is showing Alex. You miss him, your even keeping tabs on him!!" he said as he stared at her. Alex gritted her teeth and bit back a surly remark. " What kind of shrink are you? You're suppose to be helping me with my problems not making stupid remarks about it my facial expressions and emotions" Sweets chuckled. " Why dont you call him? I bet he is missing you as much as you are missing him." Alex sighed and grabbed her phone off the coffee table. " It wouldnt matter anyway."

Suddenly, Sweets door opens up and in walks Booth looking out of breath and looing at Alex. " Sorry Sweets but, I need her to come with me. Bones and I have a body in the river and she wants Alex there" he said as Sweets rolled his eyes at Booth, " We are in the middle of-" " Sorry Lance!!" Alex says giddliy, " Duty calls!!" she quickly jumps over the couch and grabbed Booth's arm, " Let's go, Let's go" she said happily! Booth looked at her and sighed. " Why are you so happy about seeing a dead body?!" she smirked, but did not answer. She thrived on cases like this. It was her work and she loves every second of it! " The game is on, isnt it Alex?" Sweets said laughing, and Alex froze. She turned to him and glared.

" Isnt that what that guy says over in London, You know the one who made up his own profession to work with Scotland Yard?" Booth said as he tried to remember the said mans name. " It dose not matter! Let's go Booth!!" Alex said as she started to push Booth out the door. She glared one more time at Sweets who was chucking under his breath.

Alex rushed to the elevator with Booth not far behind her. " Its going to drive me insane now, what is his name?!" Booth groaned as he hit the 1st floor button. Alex sighed and swallowed. " His name is Sherlock Holmes" saying his name still sends chills down her back and a warming sensation in her belly. " Ah! ok!," Booth said laughing. " Who names there kid Sherlock? Should have given him a name he could write when he was a kid." Alex looked up at Booth with a bit of a glare but kept her mouth shut. The doors open and the walk out onto the floor. "There you two are! Let's go. We're already late" a voice says coming down the staris. " Bones we are not late. We still have a few minutes left and if I drive we will get there soon" Booth said as he pulled out his keys and began walking towards the front entrance.

" Sorry Bones, I was having my weekly" Alex said as she and Bones walked fast to catch up with Booth. " Its perfectly alright to say you are having to see a therapist Alex, there is no shame in it" Bones said as Alex closed her eyes and shook her head. " I dont want the whole Jeffersonian knowing I'm seeing a Therapist Bones" she said as they made there way to the garage and to Booth's car.

Alex is good friends with Booth and Bones, but some times Bones can state to obvious too much. Alex climbed into the back seat while Bones sat in the front. Booth climbed in and started the SUV. Alex smiled slighly as Booth placed his hand over Bones' hand. They really are a sweet couple just like she and .... No, she would not say his name agian. Her heat was still pounding from saying it earlier. She still loves him so much but with what happened, she didnt know if she could get passed it.

That's the reason behind seeing Sweets. He is suppose to help her out and make a choice. Go back to London and try to hash things out with her husband or sit here in DC and act like nothing is wrong.  She pulled out her cell phone and swiped the lock button. A man stared back at her, his perfect cupid bow lips were in a sligh smirk as she kissed his cheek. She smiled in memory of the photo, he had asked her to marry him and she managed to get him to take a photo with her. She kept her smile on until she felt the SUV come to a stop. She clicked the button to make the screen go black. No more remembering at the moment... it was....


I dont own anything but Alex!

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