Sherlock and John, Strange case ,Chapter 2.

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Sherlock sat in his chair, hands in his normal postion when he was in his mind palce. No new cases in almost two days and he was starting to get edgy. He needed a case soon! His mind would wonder and he couldnt have that. He needed to remain sharp, ever visual for when a case came he was ready for it.

He opened his greenish blue eyes slowly and noticed he was alone in the room. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver wedding band. He smiled gently at it. He placed it on to his wedding finger and enjoyed the feeling of it there. He missed her everyday.

She was nothing like he had even seen or known. She could keep up with his intellectual mind and she loved working on cases with him. He sighed and stood. He made his way to his bedroom and shut the door, he alked over to his bed and pulled out a small box from underneathe. He sat on the bed as he opened the box.

A smiling woman stared at him with her arms wrapped around his neck. His fingers traced her face as he stared at the picture. He has sentiments to this woman and her alone. She was the only one he showed any emotion too. " Sherlock! Are you here?" Came Johns voice as he entered the flat. Quick as a flash the picture was back in the box and the ring back into his shirt pocket. John knew nothing about him being married and he wanted to keep it that way.

" Of course I'm here John, wear else would I be?" he said annoyed as he walked to his door and entered the living area. John just stared at him, " A 'yes' would have done just fine Sherlock" John said as he took a seat in his chair. " Any cases yet?!" Sherlock asked moving his neck around. Once agian he was feeling the itch for a case and he needed it now!

" Check the blog Sherlock, there has to be one in there that strikes your fancy" John said as he began reading the paper. "I have already done that, too stupid, too boring! I need an actual CASE! John" Sherlock said as he began to fidget in his seat. John was becoming annoyed fast as he looked over his paper at the figeting man. " Seriously Sherlock!, stop moving around so much or ill glue you to your seat. A case will come, give it time" Sherlock turned his head to John. " Get me some now John" he ordered his friend. " No Sherlock! you have been so good lately!!"  John shook his head as the consulting detective began bragging him for smokes. He needed one and he needed right bloody now!

John's cell beeped at him and he was actually glad to see Gregs number. " Come on I think you might have answered your own prayer Sherlock!" John said as he grabbed his jumper and tossed Sherlock his coat. A smile on Sherlocks face as he and John hailed a Taxi and went to the crime scene.

John gave the driver the address and they were on there way to the scene.

Greg has been workign for the Yard for quite some time, but he has never seen something as grusome as the decaying body that was pulled from the shoot in a Hotel. " My God," he mumbled to himself as he heard Sally mention that the freak was here. He always hated the fact that his task force branded Sherlock with that name and he did his best to repremind them but they kept on with it. " Lestrade, what do you have for me?" Sherlock said as he dunked under the yellow take with John not to far behind. " WHOA!" John said as he saw the body. " Well Sherlock, this is what the maid serivce found this morning while taking out the dirty sheets from the night shift" Greg said as Sherlock bent down to the body. His mind palace opened up as he began to take it the scene.

The body was wrapped in old bedding, blood stains are dark meaning the body had been there for quite some time. Possibly two to three weeks. With it being in the dirty sheets shoot, the smell of the body would have been snuffed out with all the cleanign supplies of the hotel. " HEY! you cant go back there!" Came Sally's voice across the way. John and Sherlock both looked up to see two men dressed in black come up to Lastrade. " This case is now under the FBI, hand all information to us and we will start our investagation, you may leave" the man said as he turned to Sherlock, " Move away from the body Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson"

Sherlock was about to say something but John grapsed his shoulder, " Yes Sir" he said as he began to push Sherlock to the yellow tapped line. Lastrade was still having an conversation with the FBI detectives. Sherlock smirked, " Finally!! an intresting case!" Another man came over to Sherlock and spoke, " We are having one of our field agents come out here with two of the top Forensic anthropology, they will be staying at 221 Bakers street" he siad as both Sherlock and John looked at the man. " Why are you telling us this. Lastrade is the chief inspector, he should know about this, not us" John said as the man smirked. " We know Sherlock you have solved alot of cases with Inspector Lastrade. With you working with our best Forensic anthropologist, we might be able to find what happend to the other four." " There is four more bodies like this one?' Sherlock asked intrigued .  The agent nodded. " So, they will be placed with you on Baker street, so the  investigation dose not spread the info around London." The man walked back to his collegues and Sherlock looked around the area, scoping out certian areas. Taking mind photos and placing them in his mind palace.

Sherlock's smirk got bigger and he turned to John, "Come John, we need to get Misses Hudson to set up a small flat for our upcoming guests." John stared at his flat mate for a second and followed behind him quickly. Something about that smirk om Sherlocks face made him slighly confused. Sherlock hailed a taxi and they both were on there way back to Baker street.

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