Meeting agian. Chapter 3

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Two days later, Misses Hudson had a flat made out for the three americans coming to stay. Two bedroom, two bath. The three were coming today and Sherlock was waiting for the arrivel. John sat at his laptop typing up the blog about the new commers that were helping out on the case with Sherlock. "So what do you think they will be like?" John asked as he typed away at his lap top still. Sherlock rolled his eyes, " Hopfully smart, seeing there profession."

John shook his head, " We all have to work together Sherl, dont deduct them as soon as they walk into the room, be nice" Sherlock looked at him, almost insulted. " I'm always nice John!" John gave him a look and laughed, "Right, and I am the Queen of England!" Sherlock made a face and went to speak to correct John but John beat him to it, " Sarcasm, Sherl."

" Sherlock Dear, there here" came Misses Hudsons voice as she opened the door. Sherlock and John rushed to the door to see a man and a woman coming into the building. Bones made her way in first, shaking hands with Misses Hudson. " Hello I am Doctor Brennan, This is agent Seely Booth, abd the woman that is coming up the stairs now is..." "Alexandria?" Sherlock said softly as he looked her up and down. She hadnt changed in the four years she was gone. Her chocolate colored hair was now to her waist, a bold red stained her lips, she still looked like the woman he married and still loved.

All four people looked at Alex who was staring wide eyed at Sherlock, who in turn was staring back at her. Sherlock made his way down the steps, making his way to Alex when Booth placed a hand on Sherlocks chest. " Easy killer!! How do you know shorty?" Sherlock stared at the american man with a bit of anger in his eyes. " Its ok Seely, This is Sherlock Holmes, the man Sweets mentioned and ...." She swallowed before she spoke agian. " My husband..."

" YOUR MARRIED ALEX?!" Bones and Booth shouted "YOUR MARRIED SHERLOCK?! WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!" John also shouted. Poor misses Hudson fainted.  Booth and Alex both caught the older woman. "Get her some water Sherl...SHERLOCK! water! Now!" John said a bit angerly. Sherlock shook his head and ran into Misses Hudsons kitchen for water and a cool towel for her head. His eyes were glued to his wife who was patting Misses Hudsons cheeks to rouse her awake.

" Come on dear, (Pat, Pat,Pat) time to come back to the waking world" Alex said as Misses Hudson began to come too.

An Hour later everyone was in Sherlocks living room sipping tea and giving each other stares. Alex had her head in her hands and was dying for a smoke. She hadnt had the craving in three months but now that she was here it was hitting her hard.

Bones sat near her sipping on her cuppa, while Booth sat in Johns chair, Sherlock was in his, John behind him in the desk chair and Misses Hudson in a kitchen chair near Booth. " long have you two been married?" John asked as Alex looked over to Sherlock. At the same time both said, "Two years, 6 months, 56 minutes and 12 seconds" both almost looked lovingly at each other.

Both had counted the time apart. " How come you never told us Alex? Now I know why you refused some of the dates I set up for you" Booth said. Alex grabbed the pilow from behind her and threw it at Booth's face. " Hey!" he shouted as he pulled it away from his face. Sherlock smirked, no one was going to take Alex away from him just like no one was going to take him from her...She knew that right?

Alex stood and made her way to the door, " Were are you going Shorty?" Booth asked as she just slammed the door behind her. Everyone jumped at bit. Booth looked at Bones with a knowing look and Bones grabbed Alex's purse and began to dig through it. " Thats not a very nice thing to do! What's in her bag is non..." Misses Hudson said a bit angerly.

"There gone Booth! She must had snuck them out with her!!" Bones said as Booth sighed. " What dose she have?" John asked as both Booth and Bones looked at the other three people in the room...

" Marlbro red 100's... She quite smoking about seven months ago. I guess this case is getting to her" Booth said as Bones just gave a shrug. " She had been so go until today, or so I thought" she said as Sherlock stood up and made his way to the door. " Where's he going?" Misses Hudson asked. John smirked, " He is going for a smoke too I suppose?" John said as Sherlock nodded and made his way out the door.

He pulled one out and made his way out the door. Alex had not gone far, she sat on a bench out side Speedys. He sat near her and all she did was place her head on his shoulder. He lit up his cigarette and placed his other arm around her.  They both both smoked in silence, right now no words were needed at this point. He had his arm around her, she was near him and that was enough for right now.

She knew he'd be wanting an explanation but right now, having his arms around her made her feel so warm and safe. He still smelled of smoke old books and earl grey tea. It scared her that she knew they would have to talk eventually but for now, a nice smoke and cuddling with the man she had missed for four years sounded heavenly and by the look of Sherlock's face; he felt the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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