Ch 10 (April fools 'week' gone wrong)

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Y/N, Shoji and Tokoyami were sitting walking to their home room. "Ughhh are you two ready for tomorrow??" She asked, referring to April 1st. "No. I don't think anyone will be ready. Especially with our class." Shoji sighed. "I agree with Shoji, with our class tomorrow is going to be hell." Tokoyami sighed as well. "Hmmm wonder what they're going to do??" Y/N questioned, scared for her life. "It's going to be something awful." Shoji muttered.

Y/N went to open the door. When she did and stepped in she regretted it. Within seconds she was drenched in water. "What. The. Fuck." She muttered. "HAHAHAHA HOLY SHOT THAT WORKED!!!!" Mina cried in shock. Shoji gave Y/N his school jacket. "What the heck. It's not even April 1!!" Y/N exclaimed while putting on Shoji's jacket. "Welllllll!!! We thought why not make it April fools WEEK!!!" Denki smiled and put an arm around Y/N's neck. Denki then laid his hand on Y/N's shoulder. He then shocked her with a buzzer.

Y/N punched him in the face and glared at him. "I'm going to fucking kill someone." She muttered and walked to her desk. Before she sat down she saw the whoopie cushion. She picked it up and threw it at the Hoe squad. "I'm not that stupid." Y/N hissed and sat down.



My crackhead friends were yet again setting up another prank. "Guys take a chill pill, Y/N might actually kill you if you keep pranking her." Sero sighed. "Oh come on Sero. Have some fun." Denki whined. "WAIT SERO I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!" Mina yelled. "Whatever it is I'm not doing it." Sero sighed and put his hands in his pocket. "Oh come on let me just tell you." Mina whined. "Ugh fine." I sighed. She told me, Denki and Kirishima. "Man Mina...that's evil." Denki sigh. "I know!!" Mina chimed with a mischievous grin. "I'm not doing that." I muttered. "Pleaseeeeeeeeee." Denki, Kirishima and Mina said together. They started to beg like five years olds until I gave in.

All throughout the day, the others pulled tons of pranks on Y/N. Water buckets, Whoopie cushions, buzzers, jump scares and Mina even went as far as making Y/N's skirt fly up and she wasn't looking. I felt awful for her and it wasn't even April first.

In April first the pranks got worse and it was only day two of 'April fools week'. First Denki clear wrapped the door so when Y/N walked in she got stuck. Then In the middle of the hallway Mina shoved Y/N into a trash can. Jiro even got in on it and activated her quirk and scared the shit out of Y/N. By lunchtime Y/N was a mess. Shoji and Tokoyami did their best to help her but they were put numbered.

After lunch the pranks got worse. Uraraka made a dead looking doll float over Y/N's head when she walked in the room. She then screamed and hugged onto Tokoyami. Kirishima and Bakugo then threw fake bugs all over her. After that Hagakure then took two fake hands and dragged them down Y/N's back. After the school day was over Y/N terrified. Shoji had to pick up Y/N to get her out of the classroom and I have to admit I was a little jealous of Shoji.

On Wednesday Y/N was greeted with poppers all over the floor of the classroom. Then in the middle of class Aoyama pretended to cut off some of Y/N's hair. Then at lunchtime Midoriya jumpscared Y/N and her lunch went everywhere. By this point she was pissed and scared. She didn't leave Shoji's and Tokoyami side for the rest of the day.

On Thursday Momo first gave Y/N a coke bottle full of soy sauce. Yeah she was puking for five minutes straight. By this point Shoji and Tokoyami started to get really concerned for Y/N's physical and mental health and so did I. At first these were helpless pranks now she was actually getting hurt and when I tried to stop them I failed. When Y/N walked into the girls locked room all the girls blew air horns at her. Then in the middle of training Sato and Ojiro cover Y/N head to toe in glue and flowers. Y/N went home after that.

"Guys what the actual hell." Tokoyami hissed and dark shadow popped out. "You're actually hurting Y/N now." Shoji muttered. "Oh come on, she's fine." Denki smirked and crossed his arms. "No she's not. You guys are scaring her so much that she doesn't leave our side." Shoji argued and pointed to Tokoyami and then himself. "Hehehe look we're not the ones you should be yelling at, Sero's prank is going to mess with her the most!!" Mina laughed. "What do you mean?" Tokoyami asked. "Hehe just wait." Denki smirked.

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