Chapter 1

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"Alexa! Get down here!" I slam my pillow down on my face, then it hits me. I turn 16 today, at 12:37 pm to be exact. I pull myself out of my bed, my birthday doesn't mean I'm going to be a ray of sunshine in the morning.

I walk down the stairs, and an arm wraps around my neck, and a knuckle rubs my hair. "Good morning birthday girl! Do you know what that means? Smiley face pancakes! Quite the rare occasion if I do say so myself!"

"I'm thrilled, Liam." I make sure he notices my eye roll.

He pulls me into the kitchen where my mom is flipping pancakes. I look at his wrist,  heart is drawn on it. "Is that a sent or a given?" He looks at me then at his wrist.

"A given." He smiles at it before going to the junk drawer to grab a soul pen, a pen made specifically to write onto your skin. He writes onto his arm and smiles putting the pen down.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" My dad wraps his arms around me. "Wow. My little girl, 16 already." He wipes away a fake tear. Before I can even respond my mom places the pancakes on the counter, giving us all the opportunity to look at the smiley face pancakes.

"So, what are your plans today Lex?" I look over to my brother who is shoving a whole pancake into his mouth. Being 17 you would expect a smidge of maturity from him.

"School, obviously, and right after I'm going to The Diner for milkshakes with friends. But, the rest of the night I'm all yours." I put a piece of pancake into my mouth, melting in the heaven I'm eating.

"Deal!" They all say in unison. I look up, confused as ever.


"Okay, so, if any of your friends forget your birthday let me know, I'll beat them up." Liam cracks his knuckle.

"Whatever, see you." I walk away as he turns down the hall to Becca, his soulmate. It's weird to think I'm going to be able to communicate with my soulmate today. But, I have to wait until I officially turn 16.

I stop at my locker, it's covered in tape and 4 cards.

"Okay, I have to admit, I almost forgot it was your birthday this morning. But, Jo reminded me." I roll my eyes turning to see my best friends. Josephine, Kyle, Hailey, and the forgetful David. 

"Thank you guys! And I'll make sure to forget your birthday too David." Josephine pulls me into a tight hug. 

"I just can't believe you're turning 16 today. My baby is all grown up!" Jo and David are soulmates, they have been friends since he moved in next door to her. He was originally a year above us, but his forgetfulness got him held back because he failed his math and history classes.

He is only 8 months older than her. The older soulmate is unable to get into contact with the younger one until they are 16. So, they wait. I'm scared that I'll have to wait for my soulmate, I don't think I'd be able to do it.

They all surround me for a group hug. "Oxygen. Need. Oxygen." They laugh along with me.

"Okay, today is going to be a great day. Got it? Good!" Hailey pulls a clipboard out of her backpack. "Okay, homeroom Kyle is taking you. Jo is gonna pick you up and take you to first period. David has you for second period, so he's getting you, then walking you to third after. I'm getting you before and after lunch. Kyle is picking you up after last period. Everybody understand?" I slap my hand to my face. Hailey is the most organized person in the world, and she refuses to let any of us walk anywhere alone on our birthday.

"No! How come I only get her once?" Jo crosses her arms over her chest.

Hailey rolls her eyes and flips onto the second page on the clipboard. "Because, you are taking her home after The Diner." 

"Oh! Okay!" Jo perks up and grabs David's hand. The warning bell rings, 5 minutes until homeroom.

"Guess that's our cue!" Kyle grabs my arm.

"Not so fast Flash. I have to get my science binder!" I turn around and open my locker, Hailey must have reorganized again. I open my top locker to find each binder labeled perfectly. I glare at Kyle.

"Her idea, not mine!" He puts his hands up in innocence.

I grab the binder and head off to homeroom with David.


Every period I would take my time packing up, knowing Hailey would have my head if I walked out without my chaperone. Each period came with a few happy birthdays, or the embarrassment of a song.

I pick up my bag as Hailey walks into the classroom. "Lunchtime birthday girl!" She grabs my hand lightly and starts walking. "So, how has your sixteenth year on this planet been treating you?"

"Not to bad Hail. Not sure how much I like the birthday songs, but it's enjoyable." She looks at me and tilts her head.

"I get it I've only been 16 for a few weeks, but it should be better than 'not so bad'. Has your soulmate contacted you yet?" She looks down, slightly sad. Her soulmate has refused to talk to her. He only responded once with a very subtle 'Leave me alone' on her chest. His handwriting was perfect despite the awkward angle he must have been at.

"Not yet, I'm technically not sixteen yet." I grab her arm lightly, "He's gonna talk to you someday Hail, I can feel it!" She gives me a fake smile.

"I guess." She then perks up, "Now, let's stop talking about my sorrows, this is your special day!"

"Like I could forget- Ow!" Sharp pains run up my back.

"Lex? You okay?" Hailey stops walking and grabs my arm.

"I'm fine, my back just hurts."

"Let me see." I swing my backpack of my back. "Uh. Alexa. Let's go to the bathroom." She drags me to the bathroom and places her backpack on the floor. She unzips the back of my romper. "Lex, you have scratches all down your back. Like, sex scratches." I turn so I can see my back in the mirror. Ten long red lines run down my back, perfect placement of hands. I turn to Hailey, my eyes wide.

"Alexa, it's uh," She looks up from her phone. "12:39."

Author's Note (A/N)

Thank you for reading! I'm really excited to see where this story goes!

Was Hailey's scratch identification right?

Let me know if you like it, and I love constructive criticism! As long as you are kind and respectful with how you say it!

Thanks loves!


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