Chapter 2

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"Oh. My. God." The lines on my back are bright red, and brand new. "The first moment of contact I have with him is while he is having sex! You're fucking joking!" Hailey grazes her fingers over the lines.

"Damn. This chic has one hell of a manicure."

"Grab my ass." Hailey looks at me, horror written on her face.

"What?!" She takes a step back from me, putting distance between us.

"If he wants to be a dirty piece of shit, I'll pretend I'm one. Jealousy is a bitch." I give her a smirk, she shakes her head.

"I don't think I can do that. I could call Jo up to do it, she would be much more comfortable." Just as she says that Jo walks in, staring at her phone.

"Josephine!" Her head snaps up to look at us, my romper still unzipped in the back.

"There you guys are! Lunch started like 5 minutes ago, where were- Lexi! What the fuck?!" She grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "When did you get it on?" I shake my head.

"I didn't get it on, my soulmate did." I roll my eyes. "Which is why I need you to grab my ass."

"You want me to grab your ass?" She looks confused while I nod. "Oh! Oh! Oh! You want to make him jealous! That's my girl!" She walks over to me and grabs my butt. This is really awkward.

"The girl is still running her fingers down his back, I can feel it." They both look at my back again.

"You can see it too." Josephine runs her hand along the lines. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, then we have to get to lunch before the guys get suspicious." She walks into a stall.

"This makes me so excited to meet my future husband!" Sarcasm coats my words. I pull my hair to the side as Hailey zips up my romper. 

"Lexi, you can still see the lines in some spots." My romper doesn't cover a the top of my back or my shoulders. "Here, take my jacket." 

(A/N) This is what I imagine her outfit to look like, but feel free to imagine it however you want! But, if you guys want I can put a lot of their outfits in!

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(A/N) This is what I imagine her outfit to look like, but feel free to imagine it however you want! But, if you guys want I can put a lot of their outfits in!

She hands me her white sweatshirt and I slip it over my head. Not the ideal look for today, but I'd rather this than rumors being spread that I got laid on my birthday.

Jo walks out and begins to wash her hands. "You know, it doesn't look that bad! It could have been Hailey's puke green sweatshirt." Hailey gives her a death glare. "Forget I said that."

Hailey and I grab our backpacks and the three of us turn the corner to walk to lunch. "Are you going to tell the boys?"

"I don't know yet. If they ask, maybe. But, they usually don't ask what took us so long." We open the door to the cafeteria and go to our table. I sit down in my usual seat next to Kyle, we looks between us and David. Both boys stare at me.

"I see you added a layer, Alexa." David looks at my white sweatshirt. "But, as Jo has told me, girls don't wear white during that time. So, care to tell us what took you so long?" Fuck me.

"I got in contact with my soulmate." Kyle grabs my arm.

"You're kidding!" Kyle seems gay, but he really isn't. He is just super enthusiastic and friendly.

"Well, I kinda wish I was." I pull the back of the sweatshirt down, so just the tops of the scratches are visible. I let go and turn around to see David and Kyle, their mouths hanging open.

"Lexi? Did you meet him already?" I shake my head no and David and Kyle go red. They seem angry.

"Lexi. Are those from your end?" I shake my head no, David seems to get redder by the second.

"Lexi. Are those from his end?" I roll my eyes.

"What other end is there dipshit?!"

"Lexi. Was he having sex?"

"I mean, they look like sex scratches." Kyle pulls the back of my sweatshirt down and touchs the marks. "They feel like sex scratches." Kyle and David look at each other again.

They both look at me and say in unison, "They're sex scratches."


Hello, thanks for reading :)

What do you think her soulmate will think of somebody grabbing her butt?

Should she be making him jealous?

Hope you like it so far!


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