Chapter 3

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"If this is a daily occasion, I'm gonna jump off a bridge." I put my head in my arms on the table.

"What's got you down birthday girl?" Becca's arms wrap around me.

"Probably girl issues." I whip my head up to see Liam and Becca standing next to me.

"Looks like it isn't the girls' issue you're thinking of!" She pulls down the back of the sweatshirt.

"Alexa Nicole Peters!" Liam slaps the back of my head. "Where the hell did you get those?! I swear I'll beat up whoever touched you soulmate or not!" I shake my head and put it back in my arms.

I hear Becca slap Liam and whisper, "You don't know what happened you piece of poop."

"Lexi, was it you or your s.m.?" She runs her hands over my hair. Becca has been like an older sister to me since her and Liam found each other.

I don't know why, but my heart breaks more thinking about it this time. I feel my eyes begin to water. "My soulmate..." I lean into her shoulder and she wraps her arm around me and pulls me closer to her.

"Look, you are gonna get through this, even if you don't end up with your soulmate." Here is where it gets a bit more confusing.

A soulmate is the person you are meant to be with, however, once in a blue moon people officially reject their s.m. Both soulmates have to draw a large X over the other's heart to symbolize they both want to end it. Hailey and her soulmate have never met, and he hasn't had any contact with her. So, there is a higher chance they will grow a relationship.

But I didn't want to be alone. I wanted a soulmate. I wanted to have love and grow old with somebody. I had saved myself for my soulmate for so long. No kissing, no sex, not even a relationship. If he lets me go, there is no reason to save myself. There is practically no reason to live.

"But," I was sobbing already, "I-I don't want to be a-alone. I want to have a happy relationship, with a family and a loving soulmate."

I look at all of my friends who are just staring at each other. "Okay, so why don't you write him a message?" Becca hands me her soul pen.

What do I say? Am I nice? Am I mean? Am I flirtatious? Do I want him jealous? Would he even be jealous?

"Stop overthinking and just write!" I nod my head and pull my sleeve up, but something is already there.

Across my arm in black ink is scribbled, Diner at 2:45.

I look at my friends, all of them staring at the words. I was supposed to hang out with them though.

"If you think any of us are going to hold you back, you are dumber than Kyle and I combined." David says. "We will still go with you, but, we will be like secret spies. Only 3 tables away." He pulls Jo's notebook up to his face so only his eyes flickering back and forth is shown.

"Liam and I will come too, we can sit with them. You will have all of us, Lex. You got this!" She wraps her arms around me one more time before grabbing Liam's hand and walking back to their table.

All of my friends were grazing on their lunches, but I felt like I was going to puke up this morning's breakfast.


The whole day was incredibly slow. I felt like my brain was mush the rest of the day.

But, before I knew it, It was 2:30 and David was driving us all to The Diner. Cars scattered the parking lot. I didn't know which was his. We walked in the door. My eyes immediately find a boy.

It's him.


We love a good cliffhanger. That's why I do them a lot, because I hate them but they keep me interested.

What will he say?

Will Alexa bring up the afternoon's event?

Is he going to reject her?

Stay tuned <3


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