Chapter 4

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I feel like I can't move. He has a white shirt on with a red plaid jacket. I feel a nudge on my back, I whip my head to see Hailey. "Give me my jacket and go get em' tiger!" She winks at me.

I pull her sweatshirt over my head and smooth my outfit over. I'm gonna shit my pants. I slowly walk over and set my phone on the table. He looks up before standing abruptly.

"Damn. You're hot."

"You're kidding, right?" His attitude ruins his perfect face.

"What do you mean kidding? You're just what I wanted in a soulmate, hot as hell." He looks me up and down licking his lips. 

I look over and see Hailey, Josephine, and Becca keeping the boys from ripping his throat out.

"Looks aren't everything dickhead." He looks stunned by my comment as I brush past him to sit down across from his stuff.

"Who grabbed your ass?" He says as he sits down, his brown eyes locked on mine.

"Who scarred your back?" My voice is monotone. I'm not going to make a huge deal about anything in front of him.

"I asked first."

"You did first."

He gives a devilish grin, "Touché."

The waitress comes over, "What can you two to drink today?"

I look up at her with a smile, "I'll have a Sprite, please."

I turn to look at my soulmate, "I'll have a Root Beer." He gives her a wink. She turns and walks away as I scoff.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks?" He looks at me with a smile.

"You are unbelievable."

"What d'ya mean?"

"First, you literally have sex with someone who obviously isn't your soulmate. Then, you tell me you're glad I'm your soulmate because I'm 'hot as hell'. Then, you wink at a waitress in front of me." I cross my arms and lean back in the booth.

"Look sweet cheeks, I've been having sex for a while now, I'm sorry that you turned 16 while I was. Second, I can be glad to have a hot soulmate. Third, I'm a natural flirt, not my problem."

"Do you even want to be in a relationship?"

"I don't even know your name."

"You never asked."

"I thought you would introduce yourself." I scoff at him.

"Your first words to me were 'Damn. You're hot.'" I deepen my voice as I imitate him, "You didn't really give me the chance to introduce myself."

"Fine." He seems annoyed as he rests his arms on the table. "Why don't we get to know each other." I'm shocked by his request, he doesn't seem like the type to hold a conversation.

"Fine." I rest my arms on the table as the waitress returns.

"Here you go." She places the drinks on the table. "Do you need more time?"

I'm just going to get my usual, "Chicken tenders and fries, please." She nods as she scribbles on her note pad.

"For you?" She turns to dickhead. 

"I'll have a double cheeseburger, no onion." She nods and takes the menus that sat untouched. "Would you look at that sweet cheeks, we already learned one thing about each other!"

"Stop calling me that."

"Well I don't really know your name, now do I?" I roll my eyes, he is gonna be one heck of a time. Whoever chooses soulmates really hates me.

"Alexa, but call me Lexi. And you, dickhead?"

"Ooo, I like the nickname." I roll my eyes again, I feel like I'll be doing that a lot with him. "Derrick, call me Ricky." He grins and leans forward to whisper, "Or daddy."

"Hell no! You must be on some serious crack if you think you can get me into whatever kinky shit you do. I'm not into that shit, it's disgusting." He lets out a chuckle and runs his fingers through his brown hair.

"I'm kidding, calm down sweet cheeks."

"You know my name now."

"Yeah, but I like sweet cheeks." He winks at me. "So, sweet cheeks, what's the fam like? Siblings? Parents? Last name?"

"I have an older brother, Liam, and my parents, Kate and Daniel. But they will be Mr and Mrs to you." He lets out another laugh.

"Okay, okay. Never answered the last name."


"Oh, so your brother is Liam Peters. Quite the football star."

"Yeah. So, how about you?"

"I've got a younger sister, Jordyn. Just my dad, Brenton." His face seems to lower when he mentions it just being his father, but I don't want to push him.

"You never answered the last name." I mock him.


"Any relation to Jonathan Cramer?"

"Yeah." He takes a sip of his drink.

"Do you mind me asking how?" I drink the Sprite through the straw.

"It's me." My eyes go wide as I pull away from the straw.

"You just said your name was Derrick!" The shock in my voice is anything my faint.

"Technically it is, my name is Jonathan Derrick Cramer, fun fact." 

"Why did you lie?"

"It wasn't a lie sweet cheeks. Plus, I like Jonathan but not really the nick name John or Johnny. John seems too old, Johnny seems to childish. So, I went with Derrick, you get to be the only one that calls me Ricky now, sweet cheeks." He winks again.

"Okay. Fine." I take another sip of my drink.

"So, now that you know my middle name, it's only fair I know yours."


"Very nice sweet cheeks. Alexa Nicole Peters, quite the ring to it."

The waitress walks over to our table with two plates. "Here you go, enjoy." She slides the plates in front of us and walks off.

"So what was with the ass grab earlier?"

"Not gonna lie, I wanted to make you jealous. It was my friend that grabbed it, my friend that is a girl, of course." He gives a little chuckle as he bites a fry.

"Gotcha. I mean, it kinda worked. First form of contact with you was a firm ass groping. But, it was only fair for the contact you got from me." He lifts the burger to his mouth and takes a big bite.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.


Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school is one heck of a time.

I hope everyone is staying safe during these worrisome times, contact me if you need anything.

Best wishes <3


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