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The world passed by behind black bars. Fields of green, ochre and bright yellow whizzed past, sometimes dotted with a flock or two of cattle, or a lone scarecrow somewhere grinning stupidly at the onlookers. A drying river flowed with certain perseverance, its bank hosting a horde of naked children who scampered about in the slippery mud. Little stations with obscure names seemed to sulk as they were ignored, the people in it bearing disgruntled stares on their faces.

Earphones plugged into her, Sananda looked out at the ever changing landscape. Tushar returned from the toilet and sat down beside her. Pulling out one of the earphones he said, "What are you listening to?" and stuck it into his own ear. She did not mind. A track from a sufi album was playing.

When it finished he asked, "You like Rahat Fateh Ali Khan?" She nodded in reply. Unable to induce a conversation Tushar leaned towards her as if looking out the window, making her cringe away even more.

"I'll be right back." She went and stood next to the door for a while. The wind whistled in through the blinds and she wondered about the distant places it must have begun its journey from only to come and touch her face. When she returned back to their seats, he was exchanging handshakes with a young man and his wife sitting across the aisle.

"So, you're also on your honeymoon?" the man asked.

Tushar smiled and on seeing Sananda introduced her to them, "Yes. Oh, here she is. This is my better half." Turning to her he said, "They're also from Kolkata." She managed a dry smile. The next half hour went by with the other couple recounting their love story from being college sweethearts to newlyweds, and while Tushar seemed very amused, Sananda could not help but be resentful of them for having the life she could've had. So when the man asked, "And what about you?" she blurted out before Tushar could answer, "Ours was what you'd call a whirlwind wedding. That's it."

When the toy train finally stopped at Shimla, it was afternoon. The air was cool so she draped a stole over her shoulders. Pretty quaint for a tourist place, she thought. As they got out of the station they were ambushed by a horde of drivers, guides and agents all trying to lure them their way. Tushar booked a cab and asked for hotel suggestions. "You're on honeymoon, Sir? I know the best place for you; right up on the mall, five star and luxurious", the cabbie informed. "Uhm I was thinking someplace quieter, maybe a suite or cottage...what do you say?" Tushar asked her. It didn't matter to her so she said, "Okay". At the hotel, they were shown to a cosy little cottage with a tiled sloping roof that Sananda had always loved before. Somehow, this time it didn't excite her.

When the room service guy was gone Tushar slumped down on the bed. Sananda was looking around distractedly so he said, "Finally, hm!" She turned to him and gave a half nod.

To cut herself off of his gaze she said, "So what's the plan; sight-seeing?"

"I thought people stay in their rooms for most of the time on their honeymoon."

Her face was blank. Tushar chortled and reassured her, "I'm joking. Uh wait, I got the itinerary from the agent." He took out the leaflet from his pocket and gave her. Pretending to read it for a minute she got up, "I should go and get changed now; been wearing these clothes since yesterday."

"Yeah" he stretched his hands lazily.

She knelt down beside the big trolley and tried to open it. The key went in but then got stuck. Seeing her fiddling with it for some time he came down and said, "Here, let me."

"You'd inserted it upside down, see?" he said opening the lock, "There you go."

"Thank you."

"Let's see, what do you need?"

"Oh I can do it myself."

"I know" he said, "You take what you need; I'll do the same and close it after."

Sananda rummaged through the stack of clothes to pull out a kurti but he pointed to a green blouse instead and said, "How about this?" She took it out along with a pair of jeans. Her undies were there beneath the pile and she hoped he wouldn't try to choose one and embarrass her. She yanked a pair out and stuffed it inside her top as swiftly as she could, not noticing the hint of amusement on Tushar's brow. He allowed himself a subtle smile as she shut the bathroom door.

When she came out he was already dressed in clean clothes. "I was right" he mused looking at her.


"You look pretty in green."

"Oh" she said self-consciously, "thank you." Tucking in a few stray locks behind her ear Sananda said, "I think we should call home and let them know we've reached."

"Hmm I will", he walked to her slowly and said gently, "But you have to stop worrying about everything else and try to enjoy yourself. I'm not a stranger. Look at me; we're in this together, hm?"

She gave him as convincing a nod as she could. Tushar pressed his hand on her shoulder and said with a reassuring smile, "Good. Let's go to the mall then?"

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