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I talked to Chris for a few days before we met up. I liked talking to Chris. We made plans to hang out but appearently it ended up to be with all of his friends too. But that was okay cause I was having fun. There was this one really pretty girl who seemed to have alot of issues that was giving me cigarettes and I was out so I didn't care. I got off work that morning so I was pretty tired. When all of his friends left to go buy some drugs or something Chris got me to go downstairs with him to fuck me. His dick was so small. This big ass dude and this little dick. Like whatever fine. Until he was then dripping sweat on me... In my eyes sometimes...

After his friends came back and more showed up. And they snorted coke and guys flirted with me. I fell asleep on the couch for a few a bit. I didn't want to do any coke even though they offered. It was then 8am before I knew it and people were finally starting to leave.

I missed out on a threesome with his actually cute friend. Fell asleep after some bad sex until Kya picked me up to go get breakfast.

Chris and I hung out a few times. I don't know why cause he just used me. But one time right before I was supposed to move away Chris, Kya, my cousin and I all went to the river. I only called him up cause he was 24 and he could buy us alcohol. Appearently he stole it though but I didn't know that then. Could have not paid him back.

That day at the river was the last day I saw him and I wish I never did see him that day. I got super high and drunk and I was very uncomfortable. He took my debit card to get me food but he stole the only money I had in my checking out from an atm.

I still regret him.

cause of all the boys ive been with beforeWhere stories live. Discover now