Battle Of Cateham

39 7 2

Day ago
A man came inside The Zebra Leader's lair. It was Dr Doofenshmirtz.

Dr Doofenshmirtz: Hi, Zack.

The Zebra Leader got up from his thorne.

Zack: What do you want?

Dr Doofenshmirtz: Friendship.

Zack: Friendship? Ha, so funny.

Dr Doofenshmirtz: Dr Forehead called me and wants you to help us to defeat the architect legends and get their gems.

Zack: Then, lets start...A war.

Emma was listening to them though the glass window.

Everyone were standing around Walter's lab.

Ahad: We are doomed!

Max: Doomed?

Danyaal: It's my fault.

Ahad: Danyaal, we are not blaming you.

Danyaal: You should, I'm very clumsy, nowadays.

Soren: I am too.

Phineas: It's not your fault.

Ahad: Even, everyone saying is not your fault.

Walter: Danyaal, why do you say is your fault? Why?

Danyaal: I'm the weak one in the team and-

Ahad laughted.

Ahad: What? What?!

Max: You not weak. You are not braver enough to show your strength.

Nev: I'm strong.

Phineas: Nope, you weak. You have to get angry to turn blue, then your strong.

Harold: I got a question. What do the gems, do? Like what's the role? What they do? I know my gem's role. But, what about the other's?

Walter: The Strength gem, can heals people and heal your self. The spirit gem, can monitor what is your aminal spirit, like Nev is the bear. For example, if you a kind person, you are usually a a chimpanzee or something esle.

Phineas: How's Nev a bear? He's weak.

Walter: Sometimes, the animal you get is already strong.

Soren: Oh.

Walter: Yep. Okay let's carry on, the Spike gem, can shoot spike and spike can come out from the ground, any direction. The Teleport gem, can go any location you like, and anywhere you want to go. Teleport gem also can teleport objects and people.

Soren: Cool.

The Speed gem, you can go to the past, present and future. The Brain gem, you will know what will happens in the future. Basically called precognition.

Danyaal: Will Phineas know the future?

Walter: likely.

Phineas: I don't want to.

Walter: (He looked at Phineas). They is no choices, your vision or your dream, you will see will be upsetting and dangerous. (He looked at everyone). Then, we have the Electric gem, which can make electricity, electric ball and turn any weapons into an electric weapon and even charge phone.

Tim: Charge my phone.

Tim got his phone out and Max got his finger and zap it and charged it fully up to 100 percentage. Wow!

Tim: Whoa!

Everyone chuckles.

Walter: Okay, then we have the art gem, which has healing, speed, strength, fly and hearing powers.

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