Thy Last Chance Dance

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Rain in it's tranquil state, as liquid peace hath graced thus land of old, no longer plagued with flowering death. Finally encased with purified faith from heavens above, deep within the cascading and ever-growing clouds of purity. How beautiful are thee with thy glittering tears of beauty, thus clouds with-held thy water of cleansing tranquility.

The sounds of joy escape thy nature's breath, from thy flowers beauty and cascading greenery, to thy bountiful mammals upon thy forestry landing. The heavy cluster of raindrops sounding, echoing the beating drums of thy warriors warning, pleading with thy heavens for more concerning.

Cleansing thy once plagued land from sins of old, washing thy past with purified blessings. Raindrops burst from thy heavens, pouring thy refreshing liquid upon thy soul. Rising thy rivers towards thy floodgates of heaven, mountains run under as water foregoes thy lines once drawn to naught.

And with all thus beauty, there between the evergreen I shall meet thee, my beloved. For now within thy trapped past, I plead with thee... When the land no longer suffers, when singers sing, when birds fly within the bright blue sky, when laughter sounds through thy echoing forestry. And when water graces thy land finally, save me thy last chance dance beneath thy cascading vines of greenery. Under the trees of life, where we last meet, grace thee with a dance between thy raindrops of eternity.

For when all is said and done, thy rain from heavens drum shall sound thy last heart beat, and for a time unknown thy lovers breath shall leave thy gates of life empty with uncertainty. And thy showers from thy sky, shall bless thee with cleansing thus pain from thy mentality.

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