chapter 2

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 Once i woke up the next morning all my clothes and dolls were all over the floor,i didn't know what happened. Here he comes up the stairs,my heart was racing,I just stood there still, I didn't know what to do. The noise was getting louder and louder. My bed was too loud a squeaky for me to get back into bed,so i ran as fast as i could in a worry and put some dolls away and pretended i was playing with them. Dad came in a took a look at the mess looked straight at me with a angry looking face

"You're such a filth,look at you" he said  disgracefully

"It wasn't me" i panicked "I don't know what happened, I'll clean it up now" i answered quickly

"Such a mes,disgusting little girl" he growled 

 After what he said it really upset me,i had tears in my eyes,i didn't know why he was doing this. Some days he'd just be sneaky and moody,and shout a lot. Also days where he's be so lovely and buy us all sweets and take us places. I couldn't really work out why he was like this.

  As i turned 8,things started to change,dad was a very competitive person,and noticed my running skills. He had me practising and joining running clubs. He was lovely with me for a while,until i didn't want to do running anymore,i preferred dancing. Dad didn't like the fact I didn't want to do something he wanted to do. He turned really aggressive towards me,he would always give me dirty looks. He'd started getting really sneaky.

Summer 2008. That day was meant to be a family day,a happy day. But whenever there's a family day, something always seems to go wrong. We all decide that we would tidy the garage,whilst everyone else is doing something,nobody told me what to do,so i went up to the house for a while and had a drink watched some TV. Mam,Peter and Emily came up to the house for a break,so i went down to see dad. 

"hey dad" i said happily

"what have you done all day then" he said unsurprisingly

"nobody told me to do anything,so i didn't know what to do" I answered nervously

At this point i didn't know what he was going to say or do,he sat there on the quad and i stood in front of him.

"so you've been a lazy cow all day and done f**k all" he shouted

"I didn't know what i had to do"

 By the time i finished my sentence dad had his two hands around my neck. He lifted me off the ground and started shouting at me. Calling me names. I couldn't really hear him,i tried blanking him out,i guess i was too busy panicking about getting strangled. Once he let me go i turned around and ran up to the house. I was crying to mam,my words just wouldn't come out. Once i told mam she wasn't very happy, I didn't want her having another argument with dad about this.

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