If You Were Their Child:

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He would be the best friend dad. Teaches you guitar, always make you play sports with him for fun, he wouldn't force you to like anything, allowed house parties, and underage drinking but not extreme. He'd be the dad and best friend in one.

The over protective father. The one who makes you work harder than you think you can. Really wants the best for you.

He'd actually be a great dad. He's a really good cook and baker, so he'd get you into that. He's pretty lenient with allowing you to swear and watch the movies you want. He'd probably be the cool dad. But is also over protective.

The most loving father anyone could be. He want you to have the best future possible, gives you everything he can.

He seems like the laid back dad, and his for the most part. But really, he's the most protective, most caring and the one who doesn't let you get lazy. He teaches you that there is more to life than what it seems. He's the one that'll make you watch space documentaries with him.

Such a mom in reality. Makes sure you always have everything, and extra. Makes sure you're early for everything. Makes sure you're on track. But most importantly makes sure that your mental health is the priority. He wants the best for you.

Thinks he's the cool dad. Actually just a huge embarrassment, but he loves embarrassing you. His heart is true and he is the best dad anyone could be. If anything makes you fall, he'll be the net.

He does love to spoil you, but he will make you see the value of money. Hard work pays off. He's protective and always makes the best dinners.

He's the dad that let's things slid. He very rarely punishes, he tries to be fun and as helpful as possible. Really cares. Doesn't want to be anything like his own father.

Without a doubt the coolest of the cool. Let's you get away with anything. Very, very protective.

A mix of Kenny and Kyle. Loving, caring, nurturing, but will make you work hard for the things you want in life. Very accepting of your life choices.

She's the boss mom. Works you hard to achieve your best. Wipes away every tear. Proves that you're strong enough, and more important than anyone who tries to tear you down, who breaks your heart. She's the badass mom, who's love is forever unconditional.

Without a doubt she's the fun, loving, hot mom. Who always spoils you, have the best shopping trips with. She would be like your best friend in one.

Let's you make mistakes even if he sees them first. Wants you to learn about pain, but is there to help you when you fall. He teaches you how to deal with the painful times in life. He makes you stronger, by letter you learn. The most caring.

He is sort of the same as Pete, but also would be similar to Tweek. He wants your mental health to be the best it can be. That's his priority to make sure you don't fall too deep that you can't get up.

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