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It feels like I only update this once every like 4 months... oops

Anyway, how are y'all? I'm doing okay, even with all the coronavirus stuff happening. I'm a person who is at high risk for the coronavirus, so I'm perfectly content with staying inside. (Even if I wanna go outside)

Things you should know about me right now:

I've been getting into anime! I love Sailor Moon, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, and just any anime that I think is good. (I love Kirishima and Izuku from MHA and I rlly love Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon.)

I have my own personal laptop, so that's pretty lit. It can be a bit slow but I still love it.

I have a doggy!! His name is Koda and he's the best boi.

I'm seeing Lifehouse and the Goo Goo Dolls in concert! (if the corona goes away :/)

I have my own room now!! I had to share a room with my little sister for 7 years which was eck.

Omg I'm still into FOB and all them, but I'm so hyped for All Time Low's new album!! It's gonna be so lit!

I say lit a lot (as you can probably tell).

School is out until May, but we might not go back at all this year if the coronavirus doesn't leave.

I'm not rlly sure what else to say, but I hope y'all are doing well!


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