Becoming Roommates

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When Chad and Alice were done bickering they finally finished packing all the the things that Alice decided to keep the decided to sit down for a short break. In the ended Chad helped her pack pretty much everything but her old couch and the food in the refrigerator. 

Alice felt weird sitting next to him in her now empty apartment. The only thing she could really see were boxes filled up with all of her belongs. Her book shelve was bare for once. All of the things she spent her whole life collecting were finally sitting in a bunch of boxes ready to be moved into a new apartment that she will have to call her home.

Chad broke the silence when he asked, "Are you really gonna keep all of this stuff??" he seemed so amazed that she could have this much stuf, " You know my apartment doesn't have enough room for everything."

"Well.... All of this thing could be really useful. You never know when we will need something," she said, "It's hard to get rid of things that I could potentially use again.."

Chad stpretty her before she said anything else, "I am pretty sure we will not need all of your kitchen pots and pans considering that I have a whole brand new set at the apartment already that your brother gave me. Also do you really need so many books and shoes?"

Alice didn't understand why he question her need of books and shoes, "My shoes are basically my children. Would you want to get rid of your pair of expensive Nike and Jordan shokes?? I think not and don't even think about trying to get rid of some because I know how many pairs I have and what they all look like."

"How many pair do you have and what about all the books?" Chad questioned.

Alice had to think about it for a couple of seconds before replying, " I have exactly 40 pairs not including all the cheer and dance shoes I have which is only like 15. You don't need to worry about my shoes they won't be in your way. The read I have so many books is because of Travis. He decided to get me a book every time we had to exchange gifts. He gives me books while I give him candles. You see we made a vow to keep every gift we ever got each other which probably explains why he has so many candles."

After what turn to a couple of hours long break they  loaded the boxes in Chad's truck. Alice took one look at her old apartment and got inside the truck while Chad turned the truck on. They headed toward the apartment that Alice will now be sharing with Chad. 

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