The Scream

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As Delia finished reading her book, her teacher told everyone to clean up and get ready for the math test. They all groaned, except the one kid who never got a bad grade, Jaime. Jaime was a short boy with a charming smile. When everyone had got their test, they began solving the complex math equations. Jaime, of course was expected to finish first but when Delia got up and gave her test to the teacher, everyone gasped, including the teacher. Delia just put the test on the teachers desk and sat back down in her seat, drawing. At the end of the day, Delia and her friends went to her house. "What should we do?" Layla asked. "Let's watch some Stranger Things!!!!" Squealed Ellie. "Yeah!!!!" Chirped Leraine. "Ok. Imma go get some popcorn, Skittles and some coke." Replied Delia. Delia went down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed the stuff. When she walked past the  mirror on the wall, she noticed a figure behind her. She turned around, but seen nothing. Walking upstairs, she thought she heard a faint scream coming from the mirror. After watching all the episodes in season two, the girls thought it would be good to call it a night. Suddenly, they heard a ear shattering bang from Delia's bathroom. They ran into the bathroom, wondering what the noise could be. The girls shrieked in horror. Delia's mirror had cracked in half, but that's not what they were scared of. It was what was INSIDE the mirror, they were scared of. Inside the mirror was their reflections, but they were screaming at them. The girls, of course, couldn't hear them as they were inside the mirror. Behind the girls' reflections was a tall, dark figure. It smiled at them maliciously. Again, the girls' reflections started screaming at them, this time, more urgent. The girls didn't leave though. They stayed, and that is what sealed their fate. The dark figure placed a hand upon Delia's reflections shoulder. Immediately, her reflection changed. It looked evil, like it wanted to kill all that gazed upon it. Then, the dark figure put its hand upon Layla's reflections shoulder. The same thing that happened to Delia's reflection happened to Layla's. The dark figure did the same to Leraine's reflection and Ellie's reflection. The next day, the four girls' bodies were found in the bathroom, all of them missing their eyes, all of them gutted, and all wearing the same thing. A black and white striped dress that was long sleeved and baggy. On the mirror, though was what really freaked everyone out. The mirror said 'They seen us, so we seen them, they were warned, but didn't listen. They died, so we lived.' Everyone was terrified. Several years later, a new family moved into that house. They knew nothing of what had happened only 5 years earlier. The family had two children, one 5, the other 13. One night, the thirteen year old heard a sound coming from the bathroom. When she walked in, she seen the four girls' ghosts, or should I say 'reflections' in the mirror. They looked as they did when they were found dead, in that very bathroom. The girl gasped. The ghosts screamed at her not to notice 'it.' That it would kill her. That if she noticed her reflection was seconds off, it was nothing. The girl listened. You see, the mirror is said to be a portal into another dimension. At first I didn't believe it, but now I know it's true. Your reflection is another person or 'thing' that has the power to copy the person on the other side of the mirror. Sometimes though, some of the 'things' get bored or angry at the people who spend lots of time in front of the mirror. They then become evil and corrupt. They kill the person they are mimicking and find other 'things' to corrupt. Originally it was the 'things' job to protect the person on the other side of the mirror but now, a lot kill. The ones that aren't yet corrupt, they try to protect the person. Sometimes it works, others it doesn't. Now I know this is a lot to take in but please, don't examine your reflection. You will die. Now, I must go. 'It' is coming and it's very angry. Stay safe and remember, if you notice 'it', it will notice you. The more you notice 'it', the more it will notice you. It won't end well for you.

Thanks for reading! That is all for now! I might make more. I don't know yet. Tell me what you think of this story and I hope y'all are a little frightened now. Stay safe 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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