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Fault (Peter Parker X Reader)

Author’s Note: Reader-chan is basically Gwen Stacy in this, and this is how (to me at least) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 should have ended. This idea has probably been done before but oops. Oh, and this probably won’t make a lot of sense if you haven’t seen The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

You were falling.

The thin web that had been holding you up had snapped, and now you were plunging to your imminent death. ‘Just another day in the life of Spider-Man’s girlfriend.’ You thought bitterly.

You loved Peter, really you did, but you wished he would hurry up and save you. The ground was coming increasingly closer, and you were genuinely scared now that Peter wouldn’t get to you in time.

“Hurry up, Peter.” You muttered, shutting your eyes as debris continued to whistle past your body, clinging onto the tiny hope that Peter would get to you in time. You felt a web attach itself to your chest, mentally cheering for Peter. Your fall started to slow, but only slightly, and you still hit the ground with a loud crack.

Your vision started to go black instantly, consciousness fading as your head started to throb painfully.


You were suspended in the air, barely conscious, unable to move or open your eyes, with a bump on your head that you were positive was bleeding heavily.

You heard Peter land next to you, and he gently unhooked the web, lowering you into his arms. You felt him check for a pulse and heard the sigh of relief he let out when he found it.

“__y/n__, you need to stick with me for a little bit longer, okay?”

You wanted to talk or nod, but your body wouldn’t cooperate.

He pressed a finger to the back of your head, wincing when it came away wet and sticky. You needed to get to a hospital immediately.

He immediately started digging around in your pockets for your phone (his Spidey suit had no pockets, hence no phone for him); he would’ve preferred to just take you to the hospital himself, it’d be a lot quicker, but he wasn’t sure if you could handle that much movement.

He hastily dialed in 911, practically barking out what happened before he gave the address to the man on the phone. What if you didn’t make it? What would he do if you-no. He was not going to think like that. The ambulance would get there on time and you would be fine.

“I love you so much.” Peter murmured, gently stroking your hair as he waited desperately for the ambulance to arrive.

You wanted to tell him that you loved him too and not to worry, that everything would be okay, but before you could even attempt to form the words, a flash of searing pain shot through your body and you passed out.


Peter sat by your bedside like he had every day for the past two weeks, resting his head in his hands. This was all his fault. He knew that you were stubborn, but he should’ve tried harder to get you away from Harry and keep you out of danger.

When you woke up (Peter refused to think of if, you were going to wake up, you had to), Peter was going to have to stop seeing you.

He was a danger to you.

And sure, it would hurt to be away from you, but he’d rather you were alive and not together than you ending up dead because you were his girlfriend. 

“Hey, stop frowning. It causes wrinkles.” Your voice said, quiet and scratchy, but definitely there.

Peter glanced up, smile slowly spreading across his face. “You couldn’t even see my face, how’d you know that I was frowning?”

“Body language.” You offered with a shrug. “And I know you, and I know that you’re probably blaming yourself for this,” You gestured at your hospital bed. “Right now. Even though it’s not your fault, it’s mine.”

Peter glanced away and you studied him carefully. “Oh hell no. You are not going to break up with me, not now.” You said, voice taking on a dangerous quality.

“I put you in danger. You almost died because of me.” Peter said, and you hated how much self-loathing you could hear in his voice.

“Peter, I put myself in that situation. I followed you, I offered my help, I was there because I wanted to be there, not because anyone forced me to be there.”

Suddenly, they must’ve heard that you were awake, nurses were pouring into the room, fluttering around you, offering you water and checking your vitals.

“Peter!” You called out, growling as Peter started to leave the room. “We are not done talking about this.”

He gave you a wave before he disappeared through the door, and you flopped back onto your pillows with a groan. This was not the ‘welcome-back-to-the-land-of-the-living reception’ you had been hoping for.


“Hey Mrs. Parker, is Peter home?” You asked politely, smiling at Peter’s aunt.

“He’s upstairs, dear, go right up. How are you feeling?” She asked, hugging you tightly after you stepped through the doorway.

“I’m feeling better, the headaches are almost entirely gone. Thanks for asking.” You said, hugging her back before releasing her and jogging up the stairs.

You knocked on Peter’s door, opening it after you heard a muffled “Come in!”.

Peter was sitting at his desk, crumpled papers and notebooks surrounding him.

“You are messy as ever.” You commented teasingly, perching on the edge of his bed.

“What are you doing here?” Peter asked, glancing up from whatever he was writing.

“It’s been two weeks, Peter! I almost died, and I haven’t seen you in two weeks. Shouldn’t I be spending practically every waking minute with you now because life is a gift and fleeting and precious and all that?” 

Peter shook his head. “You almost died because of me! I can’t be around you; I can’t let that happen again.”

“Oh, and stopping all contact with me is going to keep me safe? What happens when someone tries to mug me on the street when I’m walking alone because you can’t be with me anymore? Peter,” You tried again, voice softening. “I’ve missed you. I’ve thought about you almost every minute of every day, and this not seeing you thing is killing me.”

You stood up, crossing the room so that you were standing behind Peter’s chair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek. You pressed another one to the very edge of his lips, smiling as you saw his own smile starting to break out.

“Can you please turn around so I can kiss you? It’s been two weeks, not even including those two weeks when I was unconscious, and I’m going through withdrawals.”

Peter spun his chair around, pulling you onto his lap. “Only if you promise me that next time I tell you something is unsafe and you should leave, you’ll actually go. I can’t lose you.” You could hear regret, guilt, pain, and worry all mixed into his voice, and it broke your heart.

“You won’t. I promise.” You said sincerely, gently grabbing one of his hands and linking your fingers together. You leaned in, tilting your head slightly before you kissed him, hoping that he could feel just how much you loved him.

Peter broke the kiss after a moment. “Good, I don’t think I could live without these.” Peter said, pressing another chaste kiss to your lips.

“I love you.” You said, smiling softly at him.

“I love you too. Now, we’ve missed like four episodes of The Flash, wanna go binge-watch them together?”

“You know me so well.”

End.  <3

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