Is Today Fainting Day or Something?

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Marinette P.O.V.

"Marinette, wake up!" Tikki tittered, flying everywhere.

"Few more minutes" I answered groggily, drool everywhere.

"Well fine, I guess you want Adrien to see you with drool everywhere!" Tikki cheekily said. Wait a minute, if Adrien saw me with drool, he'd probably hate me, and we'd never get married, and have a hamster, and 3 kids named Emma, Hugo, and Louis!!!!

I jumped out of the bed and quickly ran to the restroom. I got rid of the drool and washed my face. I decided to keep my hair in a slick back ponytail. I added slight makeup, and then exited out of the bathroom.

I opened my pink closet. As usual, the normal clothes greeted me, pink capris, white shirt, purse, and grey jacket. But I kind-of wanted to do something different. I don't know why, but I just did. I decided to.

I walked over to my desk, reached for the key I hid, and used it to unlock the wooden latch on the sides of the closet. The latch opened, and I saw all of my clothes that I brought home from China. I smiled, and decided to wear something simple, but chic. Yes, I've made all of these clothes.

I picked black jeans and a white shirt. I tucked the white shirt in the black jeans. And I've got to admit, I looked AMAZING!

A/N: Marinette looks exactly like Jennie (the pic above) but kind-of has a bluish-black hair

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A/N: Marinette looks exactly like Jennie (the pic above) but kind-of has a bluish-black hair


I grabbed my Adidas superstars, and tucked Tikki into my bag.

"C'mon!" I said as I went down the stairs, my bag flying with me, I grabbed a blueberry muffin, kissed my parents goodbye and ran to class.

Adrien P.O.V.

"Adrien Agreste" Mrs. Bustier asked, as she was calling out roll-call.

"Here" I responded, raising my hand.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Mrs. Bustier asked, rolling her eyes, I swear I heard her mutter what's her excuse this time

Marinette P.O.V.

"Here!" I called out, panting, my feet on my jeans.

"She's lying! How can she be Marinette? There's a 70.9567% chance she isn't!" Max calculated, accusing me. That's when I saw the looks of my fellow classmates. Alya, was like, so happy, and she mouthed me, "Adrien will be head over heels for you"

I blushed, and I saw literally every boy except Nino (duh) was blushing - even Adrien. He looked like a fresh, ripe, moist, RED tomato! He could easily steal Nathaniel's place as Mr. Tomato. Don't tell Mr. Tomato and Mr. Tomato JR. I thought/said that.

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Just because I look different doesn't mean I'm not Marinette! And here's my phone!" I exclaimed, "Don't you agree with me Alya? Rose?"

Adrien P.O.V.

Marinette was late! But, the sight made up for it! She tumbled through the door, and when she stood up, that's when I saw her. She looked so beautiful! She didn't have the classic pigtails, but a low pony on the back of her head, and she looked so chic'. she could give me a competition at modeling. I blushed crazy, just like every other guy in the room, except Nino. Nino muttered at me, "I've seen better"

What did that mean?

Nino P.O.V.

Marinette came through the door, late, wearing some of her old Chinese clothes. She looked really nice, and all, but for me, Alya will always be better - not at fighting though... I saw Adrien practically drooling like almost every other single guy in the room (Kim, Max, Nathaniel, you get the idea), and I couldn't help but think, if this is how Adrien was, he should see her in her ACTUAL chinese clothes. She looks so good and so hot!!! In other people's opinion... Not MINE! For me, I'll always view Marinette as my boss, even though she is much better than fighting at me, I'm her bodyguard.

Marinette P.O.V.

I didn't think they'd overreact that much!!!! I mean how different do I look in this then I do in my grey cardigan, white shirt, pink purse/backpack, and pink capris? Oh well. I will never get boys. I mean, I will never get why Chat Noir flirts so much! I wouldn't be surprised if he kept a book and thought of new puns and names to call me! I mean, he even called me PRINCESS in a civilian form.

"I have a very special announcement," Mrs.Bustier said clapping her hands together, "Our school is very famous! Kids of famous politicians, models, celebrities, prodigies, and even royal descendants go this school"

There were loads of murmurs at this- I glanced at Nino who looked just as worried as me.

"For this reason, our class is invited to view the Princess of China's coronation!" Mrs.Bustier said. I clapped my hands over my mouth. I could feel my jaw go down, my skin becoming paler by the moment, as I stared at Nino, paralyzed, oblivious to everybody's words. Nino did the same.

Adrien P.O.V.
I can't believe it! We are all going to China to view the princess's coronation. I couldn't help but smile a lot. I was about to talk to Nino, when I realized, it looked like he saw a ghost. "Uhh, Nino..." I asked, but all he did was look at me like saucers. Then he turned around to look at Princess- I mean Marinette, who returned the look.

The rest of the class including us began watching them.

And then synchronized, in unison, like the planned it all out, they hit the floor as the rest of the class comprehended that they fainted.


I hope u like this story/fanfic! In August, I wrote my own Princess Marinette fanfic, but around January, I realized how bad and terrible it was. I am not one that likes to edit my writing, so I unpublished and I am rewriting the book. But , it won't be the exact same, I am adding in new ideas, details, and you get the idea!

 But , it won't be the exact same, I am adding in new ideas, details, and you get the idea!

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Word Count - 1006

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