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They came in blazing laden with guns and grenades – enough firepower to blow up an entire town.

Stacy Parker reacted just in time and threw herself behind a desk, which resulted in her friend's brains blowing out instead of her's.

There was a lot of shooting and screaming. Stacy could feel the bullets whiz from above her and she could feel the sudden rush of air it created as the bullets pierced through the air and randomly injected any human body it found; almost as if the bullets were alive and hungry for flesh and blood.

Stacy hid behind the table with closed eyes and a pale face. The only reason she came out from her hiding was because there was an explosion and she was thrown out like a soft toy with ringing ears and pounding pain in her left leg.

The lab was on fire. Almost everyone was dead and their bodies were now being cremated in the fire that lashed out and consumed everything and everyone that came in its path.

When Stacy finally recuperated she noticed that she was being moved – fast. But it wasn't her legs which were doing the moving; in fact, her entire body was still limp.

"Chris?" she mumbled.

"Stay still," Chris said, the fear and trepidation clear as day in his voice.

Almost as if concurring to what Pike had demanded, Stacy succumbed to the looming dizziness and allowed the darkness to envelop her – instantly losing consciousness again.

Pike dodged, jumped and ran unless he finally locked himself and his injured friend in an empty room. Outside, he could hear the screams, he could hear the bullets, he could hear the explosions, and he could hear the running and thumping footsteps of heavy boots on the tiled floor; boots of men who had pledged to protect their country and citizens; boots of soldiers who he had once trusted and respected; boots of those who ran around the building like devils coming to collect your souls so that they could burn them in hell.

Pike was out of breath as well as out of ideas. This room was his last resort. Everything else had been either burned down, exploded, or was being burned. He had no idea how long he had until this room where he and Stacy now resided would burn, too.

He gave himself fifteen minutes. The last fifteen minutes of his life...and he was spending them locked in a small four-cornered room scared to death with a gun in his hand for safety precautions.

Or was it?

He heard footsteps coming towards him-

Stacy regained consciousness and saw Pike holding the small gun with his sweaty hands on his sweaty temple.

"Chris! What are you-?"


All Stacy could do then was scream and yell as she saw Chris's skull crack open, his brains lying on the floor, and his lifeless body slipping down leaving a big splotch of blood depicted on the wall behind.

And then...for the second time, she lost consciousness.

A few minutes later the soldiers exited and the building behind them exploded.


Lydia Rogers could do nothing but watch.

Watch as the healthcare facilities all over the globe were raided, looted and simultaneously destroyed; some blown sky-high – creating a bigger hole in the Earth's atmosphere due to its fumes.

But what good was it dwindling over the thought of global warming now? It was all over already.

Lydia watched thousands die – those working in the facility as well as the unlucky ones who were within the radius of the explosion.

"You see, Ms. Lydia Rogers?" the man said, applauding the reckoning, explosion, and the deaths. "With the right amount of push, you humans will succumb to anything," his smile widened and he fixed his eyes onto Lydia. "Your own soldiers, your own kind went against you. All I had to do was convince them that they would live while others died,"

He walked out of the room, leaving an exasperated, furious, shocked, depraved, and sad Lydia Rogers behind in her glassed cage.

"Of course I lied," he said to himself...and then laughed his evil laugh which resonated throughout the corridor.    

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