3 0 0

    " -p."

"-ake up!"


(Y/n) woke with a start. She laid upon a cold surface, like ice, but she wasn't freezing. As she sat up, she was surrounded by darkness.

"Glad you've finally woken up."

She turned around, and sitting on a black throne was the only woman she'd least expected to see.

The Goddess chuckled, getting up from her seat and strutting over to (Y/n). The girl slowly got up, looking at her, "Where...am I? Are you really Hela?"

"Limbo, my dear, or judgement. And no, I'm not. I'm just Death. I've taken a form which would cause less confusion, and to not scare you."

"You've chosen the Goddess of Death to not scare me?"

"Just go with it!"


Death cleared her throat, looking at the girl

"You are here because you died."

(Y/n) kinda got that much. Seeing Death and all before her.

"But, I'm here to give you another chance."

"Ah, reincarnation!"

"Not quite, you will still stay in this form."

(Y/n) looked at her confused, "Alright then....what's happening..."

Death sighed, and the darkness changed. She was in a battlefield. Looking up, she saw Chitauri flying around, a giant Ant Man walking through the battle, and more fighting from hundreds of aliens and humans.
(Y/n) wondered where she was before furrowing her brows, "Is...is this the Endgame battlescene in 2023?"

"I knew you'd be perfect." Death praised.

"Perfect for what?" She said, looking at the goddess.

"Perfect for changing the story."

(Y/n) looked at her with wide eyes, "You want me to do what?"

"Change the story, change it to where everyone is safe and sound. Change it to your liking. It's my apology for taking you too soon. You had another 78 years before I was to come and get you. I have been wanting to do this for a while, seeing how a human with such knowledge change course. Of course, I can't do that to reality, the gods would curse me, but they never said anything about fantasy. And this as such a straight timeline, that it's perfect. And you are a perfect candidate, being a.. Marvel fan yourself." Death looked at the girl, a kind but somewhat sinister smile on her face. Worked really well with it being Hela's face and all.

The dead girl looked around the scene, and felt her heart stop, this was when Tony grabbed the stones from Thanos. She felt her heart lurched, she couldn't do this, not in person.

"I'll do it just don't make me watch this again please!"

The scene disappeared, and the world was black again.

Death placed a cold hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I will send you to 1942, where-"

"Captain America's original time before he goes into the ice during World War II?"

Death looked at the girl, displeased with being interrupted, "Yes, there. You will then live a life of your choosing. You will age slowly to barely aging at all. It's your duty to get to every place you need to be. Your power is your knowledge."

(Y/n) grinned, "I can do this."

"I hope you can. We will see each other when you die again. Goodbye."

The world went completely black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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