Chapter 2 - Into The Storm

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"I must insist," Oliver said to the front desk clerk, his fingers drumming the front counter of the otherwise empty hotel lobby.

"Sir, I understand," the clerk said and nodded vigorously, "But, it's a liability issue, sir. The weather is not suitable for driving around for anyone, much less—"

"Much less for a tourist like me?"

The clerk looked down and tapped on his computer keyboard. "You must understand, sir."

Oliver sighed. "Listen, Jason," he said with a glance at the clerk's name badge, "I understand. I really do. But you know what happened. Armstrong called, then he wasn't there. I'm worried about him."

"Call the cops? Going out there in this, it's nuts, sir. I wouldn't do it myself."

"I know, I know."

"Maybe it's the phone lines. It happens all the time. If you have his number, I can try to call him back?"

Oliver agreed and watched as Jason dialed the number. The kind smile on his face faded as the seconds ticked by and no-one answered on the other end.

"See now?" Oliver said when Jason put down the receiver and ended the call. "Something's wrong."

"Allow me, I have a friend in the city where your friend lives. I will call him."

Moments later, Jason was chatting animatedly with his friend in a language Oliver didn't understand, a look of surprise on his face as he looked at Oliver.

"All right, sir," he said with a nod after he hung up the phone, "I will fetch the car. But, sir, I cannot allow you to go alone. I will take you there."

Oliver furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"My shift ends momentarily. I will come with you."

"You will come with me? Why would you do that? You said you wouldn't go out in this yourself?"

"Sir, I cannot allow you to drive in this weather by yourself when you don't know the roads, all right? I would feel terrible if something happened, not to mention, I would lose my job. You can drop me off with my friend I just spoke with."

Oliver sighed and glanced over his shoulder at the front doors. The rain was visible even from where he stood, and the sliding front doors vibrated with each gust that hit them. Was he crazy for trying to head out in this storm? Was he overreacting? As he looked back at Jason, he suspected that the clerk likely thought he was crazy. But could Jason be trusted? He looked honest enough, but were his motives purely benevolent? A chill ran down his spin as Oliver considered the possibility that Jason was secretly a killer that might leave him on a dark, rainy back road with a knife in his back.

He quickly dismissed the notion. It would be a risk, but considering who Armstrong was, it was a risk he had to take. With a nod, he reached across the counter and shook Jason's hand. "All right, Jason. And, thank you."

Jason grinned and nodded. "Great, sir, let me fetch my coat and the car and we'll be on our way. Meet me up front, ok?"

Oliver nodded and walked over to the front doors. He pulled his coat closer around him as the wind gust rattled the doors, whistling through the various cracks around the door. Instinctively, he checked his phone, regretting his choice to not pick up a SIM card at the airport. He turned it off and returned it to his pocket.

Ten minutes later, Jason pulled up under the overhang in front of the main entrance. Oliver left the warmth of the lobby and closed the distance to the Jeep with a few quick steps.

"I hope you don't mind if I drive," Jason said as Oliver shut the door behind him. For a fraction of a second, Oliver's mind urged him to reconsider the trip, but he promptly dismissed the concern.

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