Chapter 1

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"I'm fine.." Taylor answers to her best friend, Kat. Her real name it Katrina but everyone calls her Kat for short. Kat always calls Taylor at least once a day to make sure she's okay.
Taylor had been through some really hard times in her life. She once dated a guy named Brant. He was so sweet and everything about him made since. Except soon Brant stared hanging out with "the wrong crowd" and he totally changed. Soon Brant was physically abusing Taylor. And they would have on going arguments. He always told her she can't leave him. Which she didn't think she truly could, because even though they fought and he hit her, he made her feel safe. In public he would grab her hand, kiss her check, give her hugs and piggy back rides. But when they were behind doors all hell broke lose.
And one terrible night about 2 years ago, Brant called her. He sounded drunk. She asked him where he was and all he kept saying is " I love you, I love, I'm doing this for you.." And then the the talking was gone. All you could hear was a big crash and something sounded like it shattered. He was in the car.. Drunk in the car. And he drove off the rode and hit a tree. And that was it... He was gone. All she ever knew was gone. She was devastated. Nothing mattered to her anymore. Her school grade droped. And she started skipping classes. She also started cutting and crying in her bed for hours on end.
"Are you sure?" Kat questioned.
"Yea.." Taylor's voice trailed off.
"what are you doing.." Taylor didn't answer.
"ANSWER ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Kat yelled through the phone.. Still no answer, but she heard crying in the back ground.
" I'm on my way.." Kat said with a fearful tone in her voice.
Taylor lay on the floor with blood dripping from her wrist, as Kat walked in.
"Taylor.." She whimpered.
Her voice turned into a cry.
Taylor lay there possibly taking some off her last breathes. And she doesn't mind the pain that her body is feeling. That's nothing compared to the pain she was facing deep down.
This is the worst Kat has ever seen Taylor. She had cut herself really deep in three places on each wrist. Taylor lays in a pool of blood. A tear streams down her face slowly. Her normally blonde, curly, long hair was now partially red from the blood staining it. She lays there with a black crop top on with a cardigan and some sweat pants. Her blue eyes now looking so weak and tiered with no hope left. She was already kind of pale, but now she looks as if she was a ghost. And her lips, usually pink and out in public a smile placed on then are now all chapped and the color is fading out of them.
Kat falls on her knees and grabs her phone, "911? Yes I have an emergency... 4746 lango mc bride. Yes..she's cut herself and bloods everywhere. We need an ambulance fast.., thank you" Kat said to 911 while trying to fight through the tears.
Kat slides towards Taylor and puts her head on her shoulder and starts balling. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!" She shouts with tear rushing down her face. "You'll be okay... You'll be okay..." Kat kept repeating until the ambulance got the Taylor's apartment.

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