Chapter 2

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*at the hospital- 3 days later*

"W-what happened?" Taylor asked when she finally wakes up 3 days later and realizes she's not in her bedroom, where she lasts remembers being. "You are at the hospital, Taylor.." The nurse started. " cut, and you lost a little too much blood... So we are getting more blood put in you, and getting your strength back." Well the nurse kind of lied.. She didn't lose " a little too much blood" she lost way too much blood.
"So.. When do you think I'll be out of here?"
"Hopefully In a few days.." The nurse said not so hopefully.
"Okay.. Thanks, I'm going to try to go back to sleep now." But really Taylor knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. All she could think about was her past. Abuse, the passing of her boyfriend, her parents divorce, bullying and the first time she cut. It felt like she was reliving it all right now.
A few minutes later someone slightly knocked on her door and then opened it. It was Kat. She looked nervous.
"Hi.." She said to Taylor. "Hey.."
There was an awkward silence for a minute.
"So how are you feeling?"
"Alright I guess."
"Good.. Well I have something I want to talk to you about..." Kat said, her voice shaking.
"Is everything alright?"
" not really....I mean, it's that..." Kat stoped.
"It's all right you can tell me.. Im your best friend." Taylor says comfortly.
"That's the thing... You are my bestfriend.. So that means I'm your bestfriend.. Right?"
"Yeah.. So?"
" and you would want the best for your bestfriend.."
"Yeah..." Taylor said tears starting to come from her eyes.. Because she could tell what was coming.
"Right now I'm not in the best situation. I love you and all, but every time you hurt yourself.. Your hurting me. It's breaking me down on the inside and I can't take it anymore. It killing me slowly, and it's taking over. I can't hang out with you anymore... It's the best for both of us. I love you, and you were my best friend for years. But it's time it comes to an end. We had so many good memory's. But we had a lot of bad ones too, and the bad ones keep haunting me in my sleep. I'm soo sorry. But I have to leave." Taylor finished.
"B-but.." Taylor starts, but Kat is already out the door.
Exactly what she expected. Everyone that she thought "loved her" left her. They only thought of themselves and they never truly cared about how Taylor really felt. Although everyone's left her in her past, she never could imagine Kat giving up on her. They have been best friends since 4th grade. Nothing ever split them up. Nothing. And now it finally happened...
Taylor started balling her eyes out. She couldn't control her self.
All those secrets, crushes, boyfriends,periods, emotions,break ups, ect..that she had gone through with Kat by her side. Now she might never see her again.

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