Back to the Fairyland

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So it turns out the time turner flew extreeeeemely far and the Avengers alongside the true heroes (Fairy godmothers) were off to find Santa and his magical reindeer unicorn to see what they could find. Because they couldn't get Heimdell to communicate with them across the vast universes, because he couldn't reach Auradon. Just kidding, he's actually good friends, with Elsa, but he was in a fight with Thor at the moment for calling him fat.

Meanwhile, a few of the Disney princesses were in Belle's castle decorating for the Christmas ball, when Sleeping Beau- *cough* I mean Aurora, came running into the castle. "I had the most horrid dream!"

"How many times do I have to tell you it wasn't a dream. Your evil fairy godmother did actually curse you and a random stranger kissed you while you were asleep so you had to marry him." Jasmine explained, glad her father actually let her marry the man of her choice.

"No not that. Although I'm still not convinced it's not a dream. No. I dreamt our fairy godmothers had been kidnapped!"

You see the princesses, living in their gender stereotypes and reading too many books, didn't have the greatest grip on reality. Although with one of them having magic hair... can you blame them? The princesses, not realising that with the godmothers' magic it was impossible to kidnap them, went to where they knew the godmothers were. Where they thought the fairy godmothers could have been kidnapped, walking straight to the alleged place of kidnapping, smart.

"Oh no they're gone!" Cinderella exclaimed, staring at her ballgown willing it to stay (she didn't want to lose the fairy godmother's magic even though she believed them to be kidnapped). It did, obviously.

"This calls for that... um... thingamabob" Ariel suggested in confusion.

"You mean an Emergency Meeting; honestly how did I get stuck with you princesses? I fought in a war!"- Mulan

One short trip to the Cloud City meeting area later...

"I can't believe the cloud elevator was broken and we had to take the cloud stairs." - Sleeping Beauty

"Quit whining you lazy princess. I fought in a war!" - Mulan.

"We know!!!" The princesses all yelled in sync. Before their frustration could go any further, Snow White addressed the magic mirror on the floor. "Mirror Mirror at my feet, tell us where our godmothers are... guys!" Snowy interrupted herself and the others' staring contests. "What rhymes with feet?" The frustrated Mulan pushed to the front of the group, "Mirror show us the godmothers!"

*gasps from the other princesses* "Please." Mulan added defeated. The mirror revealed their happiest place on Earth, not Disneyland that place is hell for them, walking in high heels all day long. No, what the mirror revealed was the stuff of fairytales, appropriate for Auradon, the North Pole!

Time Forking, The Avengers and A Bingo GameWhere stories live. Discover now