It's sad. It's really sad how almost everyone gets the chance to have the love of their life love them back with all their heart. Because for me, I'm always the one who does shit for the people I love. People never really love me to the point that they will make a huge effort when I'm mad at them. Because I'm not easy to love. I'm a bitch. I've done a lot of mistakes in the past few years. I'm a pessimist. Basically everything a girl could "never" ask for. And maybe that's why I'm desperate for someone to love me, because the people in my life who actually care eventually leave. No one ever stays. I'm a motel, people are only here in times of need, and leave once they're satisfied. I wish I was somebody's home. Because homes are the ones filled with love, and only love. Its a place where everybody just feels like they belong there. Like they matter. It's a place without grief.