Cry About It

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"Yeah this definitely isn't going to work." Hwasa said rolling her eyes at Lisa.

Meanwhile Joy was already in her pajamas and had tucked herself in the bed.

Chaeyoung decided she would go and sleep with Joy while her elders argued over who got to keep the other room to themselves.

"They're never going to shut up" Joy complained as she covered her ears with the pillow.

Chaeyoung nods her head in agreement "And that's exactly why they'll be the first ones out. We should work together to eliminate them."

Of course Chaeyoung was playing both sides with Joy and Hwasa. She was a smart girl and she knew just how to get what she wanted. In this particular case she wanted to be on everyone's good side so that she'd be less likely to get eliminated.

"That's a good idea but too much work" Joy softly sighs "I'd rather just look pretty and watch everything play out on it's own."

Joy was smart as well. After all it's named Bad Girls Club for a reason... Every girl for themselves.

Chaeyoung gave a slight smile and they both turned their backs to each other to go to sleep.

It was 1 a.m. when Lisa and Hwasa had finally agreed on sharing the room. Lisa had gone in the bathroom to freshen up a little before going to sleep.

Hwasa removed Lisa's things from the dresser and onto the floor, replacing them with her own. She didn't like the younger girl and she wanted to make it known.

She had changed into a large t-shirt and gotten in the bed, expanding herself so that she took up most of it. Lisa had come out of the bathroom looking for her socks until she spotted them on the floor with the rest of her things.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Lisa yells in anger, but the older girl ignores her.

She grabbed Hwasa's brush off of the dresser and threw it at her head.

Hwasa jumped up in shock that the girl was so brave. She thought poorly of her and had assumed she was weak.

"Did you just hit me?"

"Yes and I'll do it again"

Lisa jumped onto Hwasa and pulled her hair. The older girl slammed her onto the headboard of the bed and gripped her shirt.

"You crazy bitch! Let go of my hair!"

Lisa then let go of her hair and Hwasa let go of her shirt. They both sat there for a minute, struggling to catch their breaths.

Lisa finally got up and yanked the comforter off of the bed "Fuck you I'm sleeping in the living room."

"What are you doing with that comforter?" Hwasa asked raising one brow.

"Sleeping with it." Lisa said giving a sarcastic smile and flicking the older girl off as she made her way to the living room.

Now Hwasa was going to be sleeping cold and she definitely was not going with that. She found herself in Joy and Chaeng's room, attempting to wake the girls for any spare covers. Chaeyoung motioned for the older girl to get in the bed with them being that it was king-sized and they all were so small.

Chaeyoung used this opportunity as a reason to snuggle up with Joy. While Joy used the opportunity to snuggle up with Hwasa. They were all bunched together in one big bed meanwhile Lisa was alone on the sofa.



The girls were awaken by the blaring sound of Jackson's energetic voice. He stood over them looking overly excited, waiting for them to get out of the bed.

Chaeyoung rolled over to check the time on her phone "Dude it's literally nine in the morning can you like come back around three?"

He giggled at her unintentional goofiness. "The camera crew will be here at 10:30 so it's best to go ahead and get ready before they arrive." He pointed towards the kitchen. "Your personal chef has already prepared your breakfast."

As soon as they heard the word breakfast, Joy and Chaeyoung excitedly ran to the kitchen. Hwasa put on her slippers and wrapped herself in a blanket before waddling her way after them. Jackson and the guides had sat down to eat breakfast along with the girls. And just like she expected, Lisa was already there. She had already showered and gotten dressed.

"Aww" Lisa looks up before biting into her toast "rough night hon?"

Hwasa was tempted to jump over the table and strangle her but she composed herself.

"I slept perfectly fine."

Lisa smirked at the older girl as she sat to eat her food. There was an awkward silence for a moment. The sounds of silverware clashing together and loud chewing filled the room.

Chaeyoung decided to speak up "So what's the big assignment we'll be completing today Mr host?"

"Blind dates" Jackson said before taking a sip of orange juice.

The girls looked at each other in confusion.

"I don't get it, explain" Hwasa demanded.

"So basically today you'll be competing to win the heart of one random man. The winner gets a prize."

Joy raised her hand "Is he rich?"

"Depends on if you think a net worth of $30 million is rich."

Lisa licked her lips flirtatiously "It doesn't matter to me as long as you're the next one"

"Stop being gross while I'm trying to eat!" Hwasa spat at the younger girl.

If looks could kill, Hwasa would be dead by now at the way Lisa stared into her soul.

"Your face is gross yet none of us are complaining!" Lisa yelled as she jumped across the table.

Hwasa and Lisa were fighting once again only this time other people were there. Jackson and Jinyoung tried to break the fight while Kyungsoo and Mark continued eating.

Joy got up from the table to shower and get ready. In the midst of all the chaos, Taehyung managed to slide his number to Chaeyoung underneath the table. She then left to go get ready.

They finally broke the girls up and sat them down.

"You messed up my shirt!"

Hwasa rolled her eyes before leaving the kitchen "Oh yeah? Go cry about it."

Lisa really hated the fact that she was forced to share a room with such an annoying person. But she thought to herself as long as I'm crowned Seoul's Baddest, it is what it is.

I hope this chapter was a little better? The next chapter will just be a conversation between Chaeyoung & Taehyung, enjoy 😉.

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