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When the students began returning to Hogwarts on Hogwarts Express, Marisol was expecting she would sit with her group of friends or alone - since her group of friends were rather large and a compartment could really only fit four people

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When the students began returning to Hogwarts on Hogwarts Express, Marisol was expecting she would sit with her group of friends or alone - since her group of friends were rather large and a compartment could really only fit four people.

However, she was soon dragged by someone who was very well not her usual group of friends. Fred held onto her wrist as he pulled her into a compartment that contained George and Lee Jordan.

"Um - what am I doing here?" she asked.

"Hanging out with us, of course, sweetheart," replied Fred as he sat next to George.

Lee patted the seat next to him. Marisol eyed the twins before sitting down next to Lee.

"And why am I hanging out with you lot?"

"Well, that's no way to speak to your best friends who are going to help you with a confidence boost," said Fred.

"Confidence boost?" she questioned.

"I don't want - "

The twins shot her a look.

"I don't need a confidence boost," she corrected. '"And knowing you two, it'll probably have something to do with pranks - which are bound to eventually get me into trouble."

"Trouble?" the wins questioned, leaning into each other. "Never."

She huffed and glanced at Lee. "And you're all right with this?"

Lee grinned. "The more people, the more mischief."

Marisol threw her hands into the air. "Honestly, I'm afraid you guys will do some damage to my brian and heart."

"Don't worry, we won't break your heart," said Fred.

Marisol quirked an eyebrow. "I noticed you didn't say anything about my future brain dmange."

"Only the future will tell," said George.

"That makes no sense! Godric, my brain already hurts."

Fred grinned. "The train ride's just starting. Hold onto your seat, Bright, because we have so much more planned just for this ride."

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