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For as long as you could remember, you had been roomates with Diablo and Angel, you honestly didn't know how neither got kicked out of the apartment. They fought like a married couple that was arranged, they despised each other.

Honestly, you we're going insane in that house, and so on a warm Sunday afternoon in the heated month of June, you called them both to the livingroom. You sat them down on the ancient couch that sat on the broken wood and told them to work out their problems right then and there or you'd be leaving in that moment.

They were to broke for any of them to leave.

"OK, fine!" Diablo spat.

"Fine," Angel repeats.

"Finally, this will sort out. Both of you need to stop hating each other. What the in Hell happened to make you guys want to kill each other?"

There is silence.

"He stole my chocolate, what a demon."

"Well she stole my liquor! And for the last time, I don't like chocolate! It makes my throat swell!"

You sighs in frustration.

"Diablo, you drank your entire bottle of tequila when you broke up with Richard. Angel, I threw out your chocolate because it was green and fuzzy."

"Oh yeah!"

Diablo facepalmed while you groan. This was truly going to be the end of you.

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