i feel 16 again

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with the sky painted in colors of baby blue and purple, the morning sun no where to be found yet, sara nor mattia had slept. both of the too paranoid to fall asleep knowing their son was trying to have a successful recovery from the minor procedure he had yesterday once he arrived at the hospital.

kairi and alejandro left before it got too late from them and went back home to their families but would return the next morning. malani and stella had came during the afternoon as well for gio, and to check up on sara since they knew she was going through a lot right now. none of other new jersey kids had gone to the hospital to visit giovanni and probably weren't until things were less tense.

throughout the night, sara and mattia didn't speak to each other. yeah, they were both in the waiting room (a few other people were there too but left later on) but that didn't necessarily mean they had to speak to each other.

both of them too stubborn to say a word to each other.

sara stayed on her phone until it died, then after that she started watching whatever was being showcased on the tv in the waiting room that was hanging on the wall in the corner. mattia found a stack of magazines and was reading through the ones that interested him.

he would look up at her every now and then to check up on her. he couldn't help but feel guilty about causing her stress but yet again that was the reason why they separated right? not only stress but for hurting her without realizing it.

over the last year she had changed so much, mentally and physically.

mattia couldn't stop looking at her physique, wondering how good she looks after having four kids. everything about her was perfect to him, still is.

sara on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about him. she'd sneak a glance when he wasn't looking to satisfy her thoughts. more than anything she wanted to be in his arms right now, she needed the comfort he always gave her when she needed it.

but a part of her was scared to even look at him. as if she thought that he fell out of love for her and only saw her as the person who "walked away".

both of them were lost in their own little worlds before the doctor approached them.

"mr. and mrs. polibio?" a middle aged man clears his throat and approached them. both of their heads shot up, immediately they got up from their seats and walked over to the doctor.

"uh, yeah. that's us. is gio okay?" mattia said the first part awkwardly since he hadn't heard anyone call sara "mrs. polibio" in a while.

"yes. we have been checking on him every two hours and it's now safe to say that he's allowed to have visitors." the doctor gave them a warm smile. "he's so strong, you know that? he pulled through like a champ." the doctor added with a chuckle.

"he gets it from me." sara and mattia said in sync. the both turn to each other awkwardly then back to the doctor.

"i can tell he's been in good hands all his life." the doctor smiles at the two.

"what happened, doc? did he have a seizure in his sleep or something?" sara changed the subject. "no quiet. we actually found lunesta, a type of sleeping pill, in his system. apparently, he tried overdosing on the medication but we handled it and he'll be fine." the doctor explained.

mattia couldn't help but feel ten times more guiltier since those were his sleeping pills. why would gio try to overdose on them though? he's never had trouble falling asleep before so why would he even think of popping at least one pill into his mouth?

mattia didn't know if he should feel angry or sad towards his son. either way he was going to ask him about it.

"can we see him now?" sara asked.

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