i'll remember

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ever since the night of sara's launch party she's tried to forget the bad parts. only the good parts stuck with her. she didn't want anymore negativity in her life and if that meant that she had to let go of mattia then... she was actually letting go this time.

she hasn't seen him in almost two years. she's only spoken to him through text which was their only way of communicating to talk about the kids' schedules and stuff like that. but that's all, nothing else.

he did send her a birthday text on her birthday but that was all. it was simple and plain. she sent him a simple birthday text as well.

she was actually busy now. she was staring in movies, and even did a show for netflix. of course all the press stuff that came along with that filled up her schedule. she always made sure she had time with her kids as well, even if it meant she had to miss a meeting or two, it wasn't going to stop her from seeing her babies.

she also had a new man in her life, jax. after she ran out on him that night and after terribly ending things with mattia, she called jax the next morning and apologized. the next thing you know is that they're on a date, then a second one and so on. he made her really happy, he treated her and her kids right.

she fell hard for him, really hard.

she loved jax with every bone in her body.

meanwhile, mattia had now taken over the family business. his father retired and put the family's restaurant in mattia's name. now he was officially the owner and he actually enjoyed it. he also had a few roles in movies but besides that the restaurant was him main focus as well were the kids.

gio finally got back into basketball thanks to jax who made a bet with him when they played basketball at jax's basketball court that he had at home. it happened when jax and sara were dating for about a year or so.

sara told jax about gio quitting basketball and stuff, he saw how much it upset her and how sad she was that her son stopped doing something he loved. so jax being the good person he is, fixed it.

"if i make this shot you start playing basketball again." he looked over at the seventeen year old with a smirk. "deal, mother fucker. and if you miss it, you're buying me a car. specifically, a Ferrari." gio laughs.

"deal." it was like making a deal with the devil.

but jax did make the shot and that is how gio got back on his grind.

auggie is doing great too. he went from glasses to contacts as a teen would. luke was still a trouble maker (no surprise there) and ellie was still the princess.

the kids didn't mind jax and sara being together really. it did bother them at first but then they saw how happy jax made sara so they were willing to be nice. eventually, they adored jax as did he. he loved when the kids came over, they always had a blast and he loved bonding with them.

oh, it warmed sara's heart.

now everything seemed to become normal. sara and mattia officially divorced and the world seemed to relax right after.

she was finally happy.

"what are you thinking about?" jax pulled sara out of her thoughts by wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "about how everything has changed and how i'm actually living my life again." she says with a bright smile, showing her teeth making jax smile too.

"well you deserve it, beautiful." he kisses her cheek making her blush. "i'm going to start packing for jersey tomorrow. you should order some take out since packing is so exhausting." he lets out a dramatic sigh as he gets up from the couch. "ah yes, it is indeed. only the strongest men can get the job done." she plays along with a gasp.

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