Midoriya x Oblivious SMR x Bakugo

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Izuku knew he fell for his friend. But he didn't know he fell that hard. He knows that these thoughts that were popping in his head were not normal. But seeing his handsome, kind, loving friend talk to Katsuki made his fists clench. But why would I even think that he has a chance? What makes me think I have a chance? He deserves so much...but I'm selfish...I can't bare to see him with anyone else...I'll make sure that doesn't happen...I'll win his love over no matter what.. Midoriya stopped his thoughts when he saw Katsuki turn to the side, with a faint blush. M/n let out a loud laugh as he placed a hand on Katsuki's shoulder, only for it to get smacked away. Izuku felt a hand on his shoulder, and saw Ochako looking at him worriedly. Just as she was about to say something Izawa came into the room to tell them to get back to their seats. Izuku just sighed as he felt Ochakos hand slide away from him. He spent the rest of the day thinking about what to do with the h/c coloured male, and what to get for the male to win his love over.

The lesson was now over, and Katsuki was again talking to M/n. The conversation was short lived as M/n walked towards Izuku. M/n opened his arms as Izuku walked into them. They did this everyday, and it was always the highlight for his day. Midoriya cuddled into the tall male's school uniform as M/n cuddled into the green fluff known as his hair. Midoriya sighed as he felt his heart speed up as M/n whispered into his ear saying sorry about how he had been putting the curly haired male off to talk to Katsuki. It was little moments like these that reaffirmed that he was still M/n's number one. It was little moments like these that put Midoriyas worries to rest. It was moments like these that made Izuku fall harder for his best friend.


Izuku first met M/n when they were little. They used to be neighbours and the two got along very well. However, as they grew older they drifted apart. Midoriya felt alone, and being bullied by Katsuki did not help. He cried a lot. Katsuki and M/n became closer, and as the two drifted closer the bullying died down. Katsuki had stopping inflicting rage at Izuku, and rather had started to make a plan. He wanted M/n to think he changed, along with Izuku. He would get M/n closer as the other would drift from Midoriya. He would then claim M/n, either though his love or from his capture, and all the rage he bottled from Izuku all these years would come out. Katsuki had stopped bullying the fluffy male, but that did not mean his friends did.

M/n had gotten terribly upset one day, seeing those terrible bullies bully Izuku, to the point where Izuku just sat on a bench and cry. M/n ran up, with tears slowly boiling up too and hugged Midoriya. Midoriya, shocked, just cried into M/ns chest as the other whispered about how sorry he was, the two crying together. Izuku remembers being super shocked when M/n actually became serious and yelled at Katsuki to stop the bullies, and how he thought he was better than that. Katsuki yelled back as an argument broke out, with Katsuki storming out with tears running down his cheeks.

Since then, the two have been glued together. Katsuki had avoided M/n and had moved away. The two, before he left, had reconciled with M/n, and said sorry to Midoriya, and told him how he never meant it to progress so much, and how he was only doing it to get someones attention.

Katsuki had found M/n during the examination to get into UA. He and M/n were writing the enterance exam in the same segment, whereas Izuku went elsewhere. When they were over, M/n and Katsuki had caught up with their lost time. Katsuki never really forgot about the boy who gave him a fair chance, and had vowed to find the male again. When he did, he would never let him go. Bakugo screwed his first chance, but now had known what were his threats. This was God's way of giving him a second chance, and Katsuki knew that a chance like this would not happen again.


Katsuki was glaring at the cuddling two. He was suppose to be in M/ns arms. But he had calmed himself down, everything would soon fall into place. All he needed to do was wait until the moment was just right. Bakugo watched as M/n and Izuku picked up their bags and left to go change their shoes and leave, with the angry male following them. As they were changing, M/n had mentioned that he was working at the new café Atsuko Café, and that if Midoriya was in the area to stop by. Katsuki perked up at the news, and the gears slowy turned. This was his chance.

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