Chapter 4

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The next morning Betty wakes up well rested. She had a good night's sleep. Surprisingly, considering how she has been feeling lately, she decided that it was the alcohol that put her to sleep and frowned. She doesn't want to resort to that just to get a good night's sleep.

Betty gets up and goes and takes a shower and then changes into fresh clothes.The guest room at Veronica's and Archie's penthouse is a second bedroom for Betty. That's how often she stays over there. Archie often jokes that she should just move in.

She heads downstairs and into the kitchen. Archie is already off to work. He's a music teacher at a private middle school. He doesn't really need to work considering the amount of money Veronica has and continues to bring in. But he said he needed to, just for the sake of keeping his sanity intact. Veronica didn't object, she wants her husband to be happy.

Betty sees Veronica with the kids and smiles. She loves seeing Veronica all domestically. It looks good on her.

"Morning B," she said as she fed A.J. Rosie is eating cereal and watching cartoons.

"Morning, Ronnie" She said as she walked over to each kid and gave them a kiss.

"How did you sleep?" Veronica asked.

"Honestly, I slept pretty good" Betty said. "Best I've slept in a while." she add's smiling.

Veronica stares at her for a moment, studying her face, she's unsure if she is being honest or not. She knows when Betty gets stressed out she doesn't sleep and that usually leads to a massive breakdown of sorts. After a few seconds she decides that she's telling the truth. It's hard for Betty to hide anything from her. "That's good," she said.

"I guess it's off to work I go. I'll see you tonight." Betty said as she grabbed her purse and jacket.

"I'll send a car for you. Just let me know when you're off" Veronica said.

"Okay" she said and she headed out
About 45 minutes later she walks through the door of her office. The doorman opens the door and smiles.

"Morning George," Betty said, smiling back at him.

"Miss smith. Looking better today I see," he said.

George was very observant and you couldn't get much past him, so when she left yesterday in a hurry he knew something was off.

"Yes, I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday" she said as she headed to the elevators.
She made it to her office without being noticed. She liked it when that happened. She sits down and sends a quick text to her neighbor asking her to check in on Caramel and feed her. She gets a response saying she's already done it. She smiled. She loves her neighbor Mrs. Davis. She was a lovely lady that looked out after her.

After Betty gets situated she checks her email. JP emailed back.


Please call me Jay. The book is loosely based on my life growing up. I have changed some things but the ideas are based on real events. I'm not sure about meeting up though. I'm not fond of human interaction. What can I say I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. Lol. I wish honesty was something I learned long ago. It wasn't until recently when I learned lying gets you nowhere. But it's a choice I made and know I have to live with.


She smiles and types out a response.


Please call me Lizzy. I guess I'm weird too. I don't like to be around people. I feel more comfortable hiding behind my computer. I completely understand where you are coming from for now. But the powers that be will need to talk with you face to face eventually and that's something we can't compromise with. I've started to read more and honestly it's one of the best things I've read in awhile. This Sabrina character is so smart and brave. I can't wait to see what comes next for her. You talk about this being your life. I could only imagine writing a book about my life. It would be crazy for-sure.


She smiles. There was a knock at the door. She looks up and sees it's a coworker.

"Lizzy, it's almost meeting time." Charlie said, leaning halfway inside the office.

Betty looks at the time. It's a lot later then she thought it was. "Oh, I forgot thanks for the reminder" Betty said.

Charlie nods and walks off

Betty grabs her coffee and notes and heads to the meeting room. The rest of her day is book solid. She has two more meetings scheduled and a Writer introduction series for junior editors that she has just developed for her company and they want to see how it works. Then she is done for the weekend.

It's getting close to the end of her day. So, she's getting her things ready and texts Veronica
Veronica responds quickly. Betty's ride should be here soon.

"Hey, Lizzy. We are going out again tonight. Just thought I would invite you." Charlie said.

"I would love too but I have old friends coming into town tonight that I haven't seen for a while" Betty said.

She doesn't know why she can't tell Charlie the truth.

"Okay. Another time" Charlie said frowning. Charlie is desperately trying to befriend her, but Betty doesn't want it, she's afraid of change.

Betty collected her belongings and headed out of her office.

She said her goodbyes to George and stepped outside. It was warmer today. She saw the car pull up and she looked across the street again because something caught her eye. She saw him again. Smiling as he stared back at her. She closed her eyes and said it isn't real to herself, over and over again. She then takes a deep breath and opens her eyes. He's not there. It's all in her mind. She exhales and walks to the car.

"Good evening. Miss cooper" the man said.

"Good evening Elio." She said,

The car starts and they head to the restaurant that Cheryl chose. Betty just looks out the window and watches the scenery go by, wishing for things that can not be.

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