「 twenty - one 」

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zeren woke up from his bed and saw justin on the next bed on his right

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zeren woke up from his bed and saw justin on the next bed on his right. on his left, he saw chengcheng and xinchun on the farther left.

"where are the others?", zeren mumbled to himself as he tried to move his body, he can still feel the pain he got from the weird game they had from the arena, "there should be a nurse here or something"

he also remembered justin killing him but he can definitely understand the younger one. after all, kids are those who really wanted to survive.

zeren pinched himself and quickly whined in pain for the misfortune he brought to his own self, "this is not a dream and I'M ALIVE!"

zeren suddenly exclaimed, "you're too loud, keep quiet", someone from his left suddenly blurted out, he looked at the direction where the voice is coming from and grinned


chengcheng sits up and looked around as he scratched his nape, "this isn't the heaven yet?"

"as if you'll really go to heaven", it wasn't zeren who replied but instead it was xinchun who still had his eyes closed and lying his back on the bed

"YAH! DO YOU THINK I'M REALLY THAT BAD? YOUR PARTNER KILLED ME FOR YOUR INFORMATION!", chengcheng exclaimed, looking at xinchun's direction but xinchun chuckled

"chengcheng, calm down! justin is still our friend!", zeren stated, trying to make chengcheng back to his own self but chengcheng immediately glared at him when he heard those

"A FRIEND WON'T EVER DO THAT!", chengcheng exclaimed once again, "RIGHT, XINCHUN?"

xinchun looked at justin's bed, the kid is still sleeping peacefully as he muttered under his breath, "i bet it's not even him who played in the arena"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"chunhua?", yankai called out as he looked for chunhua and jia yi in their room, chunhua is found lying on the bed with jia yi beside her

"yes? do you need anything?", chunhua puts down her phone as she quickly looked at yankai's direction

yankai gulped before he replied, "someone is looking for you"

chunhua tilted her head to the side, "who is that someone?"

yankai sighed as he turned around and starts walking, chunhua stands up as well to follow the guy

when they arrived at the living room, she found no one but a white rabbit on the table. she remembered where she last saw the white rabbit and immediately glared,

"WHY IS HE HERE? I'LL CALL THE CAI'S!", chunhua freaked out as she immediately looked for her phone

yankai immediately stopped her by grabbing her arm, "please calm down first"

"HOW CAN I EVEN CALM DOWN? AND HOW DID HE FOUND US?", chunhua glared at yankai and at the white rabbit, "DON'T TELL ME YOU STILL HAVE CONNECTIONS WITH HIM?"

"no..", yankai's words trailed off, "listen to me first, sweetie"

observing the situation, the white rabbit immediately transformed himself into his own human form which angered chunhua even more

"THIS IS CRAZY, YANKAI! WHY DID YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE?", chunhua screamed once again as yankai sighed after hearing the whines from his girlfriend

"chunhua", xingjie finally spoke up as he tried to get chunhua's attention, "i'm in need of your help"

"my help?", chunhua furrowed her eyebrows

xingjie nodded, "i need to save someone from the nulls before the cai's can actually use her"

chunhua crossed her arms, "so you need to be the first one to use her, is it?"

xingjie shakes his head, "that's not the point here, i believe that she's not fully a null"

"how did you know? i believe that you knew that Cai's are capable of knowing which is which right?"

xingjie nodded as chunhua continued, "then why pursue in saving that girl knowing that she might really be a null, basically a person with no powers"

"i object that", xingjie stated before he continued, "i think they are called nulls either because they can nullify other people's powers or their strong powers are still hidden making them nulls as of the moment"

chunhua furrowed her eyebrows, "then the girl you are referring to, in what category could she be?"

xingjie sighed, "i actually don't know that's why i need Huang Meiqi to even further look into it and i can finally attack the Cai's"

"attacking them is too risky if you'll go alone but anyways how did you know any of this?"

"actually", yankai butted in as he smiled towards chunhua, "the last set of nulls 100 years ago are from our old clan, the guorans"

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