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"Fuck." Mal groans, collapsing on the ground as she took deep sharp breaths, willing herself to stand up and ignore the pain but it was too much. She was in fucking 2015 with a stab wound on her side.

Honestly, though, this isn't how she expected her first day with Evie as her girlfriend to be like.

She pants, howling in pain as she falls right beside the said girl, gripping her desperately, calling her for help with the last amount of strength and energy she had.

Evie's head was pounding, her back felt sore and her neck felt like it would snap at any second. She furrows her eyebrows. This was odd. The last thing she remembers was sleeping with Mal beside her.

She gasps for air so suddenly, jolting up, the color draining from her face as she realized where she was. At first, that was what she was worrying about until she sees Mal. "Shit, M." She rasps, helping her up on the bed as Mal groans. Clutching her side while Evie swats her hand away, Mal momentarily stops, "Okay, harsh." She says before groaning again.

Evie lifts up her shirt, biting her lip and scanning around the room as she searched for anything to stop the bleeding. That's when she noticed something. Their bags, still packed, were with them. That's weird.

She goes over to them, opening it and thankfully, her portable first aid kit was there. She quickly cleanses her wounds, sewing it shut and bandaging it. Mal coughs, "E, hey."

"Mal Bertha, what the fuck is happening and why are we here?" She asks, finally remembering their situation. Mal felt a little bad for Evie, and well, she should because her girlfriend is panicking but there's too much pain on her side to deal with anyone.

So, in the nicest way she could have possibly done, she chucks her phone at Evie who, thankfully, caught it with such grace. And by that I meant, Evie had to jump and land on the floor.

The blue haired girl opens it, her heart pounding as she stares at the date, she then turns to look at the outside, noticing the barrier, up and ready to deflect any kind of magic. Ready to deprive everyone of their capabilities.

She frowns, running a hand through her hair as she turns back to Mal, now calmed and a little more relaxed than earlier as she stares at Evie, her lips pursed together, ushering the daughter of the Evil Queen to sit beside her. Evie complies without question.

"I don't know how and I don't know why but time just seemingly went back. But I promise you, I'd do whatever it takes just so you and I could begin our happily ever after without hitches, okay?" She says slowly, despite the pain, she smiles at Evie, pulling her in for a kiss which the girl heavily reciprocated.

"Now, I don't want you to freak out, but are we the only ones here?" She asks, unaware of the commotion just outside their doors.

Jay squints, opening his eyes gently as he adjusts his vision to the darkness of where he was at. The painted walls, the tattered ceiling, the cold concrete floors. He widens his eyes, jumping up from where he was lying down as he looks around, a chill running down his spine at the familiar sight.

He sighs, his chest was heaving as his head spins, on and on until he feels for his pocket, sighing in relief at the feel of his phone. He checks the date, a wave of confusion going through him. But he doesn't ponder on it, not yet.

He also tries pinching himself, repeatedly, on his thigh, his arm, the back of his neck. He tried pulling his hair out, step on himself. He wasn't in a nightmare he could just wake up from, he wasn't in a nightmare he could laugh at with his friends when he wakes up.

He was awake yet he was in a nightmare he cannot escape. Worry starts to envelope him when he realizes something, he checks the window, cursing to himself as he saw the barrier on the edge of the Isle, the sight of Auradon far from them.

the light you bring inside of me (mevie//malvie)Where stories live. Discover now