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The gods looked among themselves, whispering, in shock that a young one, a demigod too, someone not pure of blood dared to challenge the offer of immortality from Zeus himself. He raises his hand, silencing them all at once.

"Are you sure about this, child? You're absolutely, completely, wholeheartedly sure?" He asks, just to you know, confirm everything. They don't have a waiver on paper so this was the way to go.

Mal nods eagerly, "I'd absolutely do anything just to get back to my family. Please, let's just get this over with." She pleads, walking closer, eyes getting glassier as Zeus sighs, "Alright, then, you shall be facing four different challenges. And for your first task, go to the temple of Aphrodite, there will be a pile of seeds awaiting you. Sort it and when a full day comes, if it isn't sorted, it's all over, if you accomplish, then we may proceed."

The way Mal immediately runs outside and turn into a dragon earned such amazement from everyone, surprised to see her go off like she knew what was about to happen, that she'll succeed when that's literally a hard fucking task.

Hades hums, putting his foot off of the table as Hera shakes her head, "You've given her a task that seems impossible, she won't be able to do it." She sighs exasperatedly at her husband, as Poseidon smugly smiles, she then turns to the fairy's father Zeus and Hades share a knowing look, "And you aren't even going to talk about it? Your brother gave your daughter an impossible task." She adds, the god of the Underworld just chuckles, "Oh, I know it's impossible. But see, Mal is the impossible. My daughter's an entity you just can't stop."

And boy was he correct. Mal soars above the clouds, twisting and turning as she followed her gut, eventually leading her to Aphrodite's temple.

She lands, her large wings fluttering gently as she slowly morphs back into her human form. Her actual, non fang baring, non dragon breathing, slightly cooler form. "Well, fuck." She mutters, groaning in displeasure as she sees the stupid large pile right in front of her. "What even is this stuff?" She mutters to herself as she sees what it was. The pile consisted of gold, silvers and diamonds, all in such small ounces that she was an inch away from searching for a magnifying glass.

She sits down, beginning her job and actually enjoying it for the first five minutes until she got bored. Who could blame her? It was so fucking quiet in here. She's sorting literal gold and diamond but there wasn't even a couch.

But despite all of that, three hours had passed, the sun had set and darkness envelopes her but she's still going. She's still sorting them. And she doesn't know what's driving her to but she was pretty damn sure that Evie was part of the reason. No, that's wrong, she is the reason. She always is.

"God, what would Evie Grimhilde do in this situation?" She mumbles, closing her eyes and groaning when it burned. She's been staring at these little treasures long enough that it hurts her eyes.

"There's always a loophole for something, you just gotta find it." It wasn't Evie but Carlos' words echo around her head, she furrows her eyebrows, opening her eyes once more and staring back at the pile, then at her hands, then it clicks.

"They never said I couldn't use magic." She mumbles, grinning happily as she claps her hands together, flicking her wrist at the direction of the pile in one swift motion until it sorted itself. Put into the bags, neatly. "Thank you, Los, I love you!" She yells, taking the bags and tying them loosely on her neck before transforming back to her dragon form, flying in the skies of Olympus.

Evie would kill to go here and one day, when this is all over, when everything is back to normal, she will go here. That's one promise Mal's going to accomplish easily.

the light you bring inside of me (mevie//malvie)Where stories live. Discover now