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"Oh my fu- why the hell am I here?" Mal fumes, standing abruptly as she gathers the attention of the gods, all with surprised looks on their faces, "You're awake." Her uncle, specifically Zeus, smiles, helping her as he sits her down on one of those gold chairs, you know, something expected from a place where literal gods live.

The fairy looks around, eyebrows furrowed, gazing at each god who stared at her like she had three heads or something. It was weird. "Why am I here?" She repeats, still confused to why she was in Mt. Olympus, why she was here when the last thing she remembers is seeing Evie, crying, asking her to hold on.

That's when her blood runs cold, her body begins to sweat and her hands begin to shake. She looks up at them expectantly, waiting for an answer, a confirmation, waiting for someone to actually tell her she's dead.

No one does. They all just turn to look at the booming echo of fire and the gust of wind that blew past them all. Hades stood there, his daunting figure obviously out of place from all the whites and golds that Mt. Olympus had.

"Dad." Mal breathes out, standing up, rushing to her father despite her knees being wobbly, the moment Hades' eyes land on her, he lets out a sigh of relief, opening his arms, letting her crash on him at full force. Mal was here. She was safe. Heck, Mal was alive.

"Thank god, I— Auradon thought you were dead. We buried your body." His eyes were never leaving Mal's figure, afraid that if he closes his eyes even for a brief second, she'll disappear. That maybe this was just a dream.

"Dad, how's Evie?" She asks, dismissing the burial of her body because, who would want to talk about that? Honestly, who?

The man clears his throat, finding, wanting to pull out a positive answer but he fails. And, Mal deserves the truth. "Evie's not doing good. She doesn't talk much, she doesn't eat, she misses you, champ. They all do."

"Well that won't be a problem 'cause I can go home now, right?" She asks, a little hopeful, her eyes glistening with hope. Hades looks up from her face, hearing Zeus clear his throat, taking each and every one's attention as he walks down from his throne, placing a smile and putting a hand on Mal's shoulder. "How about you go talk to, uh, your cousin Hercules, for a while?" He says suggestively, ushering his son to go and walk towards her as Mal stares up at him, "Why?"

"Because the elders need to talk. Now shoo." He says, snapping his fingers and taking them away, Mal doesn't even blink and next thing she knew, she was on top of Athens, sitting down on the roof of a building with no one noticing them. "You know, it surprised me when I learned that Hades had a child. Let alone a daughter."

Mal just snorts, slumping on the pillar behind her, watching the sun as it begins to set, "He really gave you a hard time when it came to your girl, huh?" She chuckles, looking at the man who laughs in return, "He did, he really did. But hey, that's in the past now, how is he as a dad?" He asks back, causing the fairy to shrug, "He's been there for me when no one wanted to be. I grew up in the Isle, I had no loving parents, the closest thing to a family I had were my friends. And now, they've lost me." 

The demigod stares at her sadly, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I'm pretty sure you're alive and well enough to come back. I'd back you up if you need to." He offers, earning a grin from Mal, "I just realized, Triton's our cousin too, right?" She asks, diverting the topic, Hercules sees right through her. She might act like she's not worried, that she isn't in pain thinking how her family lost her, but he sees it. 

"Talk to me about your family, I want to learn more." He asks instead, standing up and offering a hand to the girl as they walked around, jumping from roof to roof as people look at them, they could cause a ruckus but no one can see them. They're gods, they have the choice to be seen or not to be. 

the light you bring inside of me (mevie//malvie)Where stories live. Discover now