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Louisa's p.o.v

"Get away from my brother" I faintly hear as I look behind me for a split second to see Fishface there, but Raph kick Rahzar in the chest. Mikey ran to Leo as I see Donnie jump in and kick Fishface away from me "stay away from her." His voice was so deep saying that, I felt another wave of pleasure hit me, but I also smile as I hug him. "Thank you so much! They got a mutagen collar on me, at the push of this button I get changed." Donnie nods and takes the button from me "I won't let it happen" he says softly with a smile.

We run over to Leo and Mikey as Mikey says "hey guys" Leo then says "you're lucky we noticed you were gone in time!" I roll my eyes. Raph then says "even luckier that I knew you'd come here! What were you-" Fishface then kicked Raph. Looking up I see Rahzar running towards us, Mikey yells "scatter!" Donnie picked me up and jumped away with Mikey. "So what happened to Dogpound?" Donnie asked scared as he held onto me out of fear now. I gulp and say "he got d-double mutated-" "now I call him Rahzar!" Mikey says like it was funny.

He growls loudly, the wind hitting us three as he was about to run towards us- Leo hit him with his katana to make him stay away. Donnie set me down and says "keep an eye on Mikey, I got this" then he ran towards him screaming. I take out my kunai and say "help me get this off!" Mikey nods his head, but Rahzar starts going after him. Rolling my eyes I grab the centrifuge and start running to hide with Baxter, the mousers not bothing me for some reason. When I reached him he flinched and says "I'm harmless!" While putting his hands in front of his face.

"Dude, I'm not hurting you, I'm just hiding from the commotion since I can't get this thing off! Help me, I'll try to help you" I offer him with a smirk. He narrows his eyes "only if you give me back the centrifuge-" "nope, that's not happening." We both just glare at the other, but I decide to ask "what's up with the mousers? They won't go after me." He put up a finger and says "well, I designed them to go after radio-isotopes, so they won't really go after you." I nod in understanding "okay-" "guys! I'm bursting at the seams... and Rahzar is gonna pop me."

I look up at Mikey, then to Rahzar and back to Baxter "I gotta take care of this, nice talkin to ya Baxter-" "wait, what even is your name??" He asks confused. Not answering him I go over to Rahzar and kick him to the ground as I stand on him and step on his head hard. "It's Louisa!" I yell and start running from Rahzar before he slashes at me with those huge claws. "Here boy! Good dog!" Mikey yells getting Rahzars attention as he runs over to him growling loudly. Mikey ducked and Rahzar got his hands stuck in this one part of the machinery- getting electricuted.

"Yeah! You just got Shell-shocked son!" Mikey yells mockingly, Donnie then says "everyone to high ground, now!" So I hand the machine to Raph to keep safe. Donnie picks me up and carries me to where they all stand and sets me down before he broke the water thingie. As they sprayed water everywhere, I scream as I get shocked with the bad guys, feeling nothing but pain. "Whoops.... I forgot she had that on-" "Donnie!" Leo yelled at Donnie, interrupting his excuse of me getting shocked. When the water finally stopped I get shocked for a second longer than them and fall, getting close to falling to the floor.

"I got you Louisa" Leo says and I feel someone grab my hand while getting pulled into a warm embrace, I groan out in pain as I hear them talk. "Dude, I'm about to pop and I think we destroyed the centri-fudge!" Mikey complained. I barely open my eyes as I look at him saying "don't talk j-just yet Mikey" as Raph showed him the centrifuge. Then they start running away from the place, heading back to the lair "how do we get this off??" Leo asks Donnie. Donnie looks at me saying "we can't tear it off of her" Raph asks "why the heck not??" I just close my eyes and listen to them.

"Unless you guys want to get mutated with her, be my guest, I have to find a way to get it off without mutating her" Donnie says angered. I groan and say "maybe we can take this one part of it off, it's on the back of the collar, I heard it. Some type of little beep went off once it got put on me" Donnie just hums and says "I'll have to check it out."

-at the lair-

Donnie got me to the lab and says "first I'll work on Mikey's antidote, then I'll look at the collar, okay?" I nod my head and say "as long as this'll be gone. I'm good with it" he smiles and starts to work on the antidote and got it done pretty quickly. "Antidotes ready Mikey!" Donnie says happily, he ran over happily too, making Donnie move. "Give me, give me, give me, give me!" Mikey says happily and grabs the little pad things. Then he walks away, furiously rubbing at the huge zits that are on him, but I got a bit confused.

"Did you have to put the antidote on those acne pads??" Both me and Leo ask with a small smile while watching Mikey rub furiously. Donnie turns to look at us saying "no, but it is hilarious" with a smile, I quietly chuckle at this. "It worked! Look at me boy, I'm super cute again! Woo! Thanks Donnie" Mikey thanks Donnie and hugs him. Master Splinter then walks in saying "I must commend you on your resolve Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you have everything you already needed... in here."

Mikey didn't respond, but he turned to look at us saying "see, who was right about Baxter's secret hideout, huh? Me- yep." Leo points at him saying "you had no clue" so Donnie says "oh no, Mikey, you have a zit forming at the end of your nose." Mikey got scared and felt his entire face for the zit, when he realized what happened he glared at Donnie. We begun to laugh at that though, now Mikey says "Donnie... I'm gonna-" then he jumped towards us while screaming. I scream and move as I didn't want him breaking the containers of mutagen around my neck.

The others moved too and ran from the angry Mikey while laughing, not caring that he could punch them or anything like that. Master Splinter walked up to me saying "this little one was worried about you, here let me take care of that." He pushed a button on the back of the collar and it instantly popped off and towards the floor while handing me George. 'I wonder if I'll ever lose this little guy' I think and pet the top of his head "good to see you again George."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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