First looks

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Teri couldn't believe she had done it. Bought 1 ticket for this show, taken a train from her small home town to Toronto and she was actually standing in front of a club, alone. Jesus she must be crazy. Who comes to a club alone, in the big city, alone? What was she thinking? It was simple really; Teri had never really been a dance, EDM type girl, but she had found Rynx by accident and just could not get that sound out of her head. Of course, she was a fan of Evan on Youtube, she followed all the guys. She had a real soft spot for Anthony; Jiggly was her favourite, his smile and his laugh just made her day a little brighter. She didn't know if she could ever forgive herself for not going to see the Demonetization Tour.

Here she was alone in the big city about to spend the night in a club with a lot of crazy fans. As she looked at the groups lining up, she felt alone and kind of out of place. She had dressed for comfort as much as looks. Her favourite ripped skinny jeans, a comfy t-shirt that clung onto every curve and hung off one shoulder, a hoodie and a pair of Vans on her feet. Her hair was loose and the city wind had made it even curlier and fluffy, pink, purple and blue candy floss colour stands spiralling down to her hips. The other girls around were all dressed to kill in short, tight outfits, and heels. Very impractical for a Canadian winter really. She may not have been dressed sexy but she felt good and kind of powerful. Inside she was buzzing with excitement and nerves.

She had come extra early for front of the line as there was no assigned seating. Not to crowd the stage or anything like that, she wanted to find the best place to watch the show; but at the same time hopefully not in the middle of the crowd. The doors opened and security started to let people in, Teri slipped to the side as she walked into the club, dodging the screaming fans as they moved toward the stage. Her eyes roamed over the room, she walked to the stage, and then headed to a spot near the back of the room. It was centrally located with a good view, a pillar to lean on, and she noticed just next to the slightly raised VIP area. Now she could also watch and see who she could recognize. She couldn't help but start moving a little along to the music.
She felt comforted knowing that with the VIP section so close there would be; she assumed more security in this area. So, less worry of weirdos bothering her or fights or crushing crowds.
As she looked back over to the stage, she noticed silhouettes of a couple people watching the floor, from the shape of the shadow she thought one might be Evan, but the others could be anyone. The bright flashing lights made it impossible to be sure.

Anthony had come to the Toronto show even though he had seen Rynx/Evan in Chicago a few days before. He had promised himself 2020 was the year for travel and fun. He had loved how the Canadian fans reacted and treated them during Craigs tour; excited but also always respectful. And wanted to be able to actually have fun and enjoy the music with out being mobbed by fans.

Evan had fantastic security, a bunch of the Canadian YouTube guys had shown up for the show and they had all grabbed drinks and hung out back for a bit as Even did his little meet and greet. The two of them Evan and Anthony had snuck away from the group to catch up and peak at the incoming crowd, as the doors first opened. The two of them had been sneaking peeks through the curtains.

That was when he noticed her. She had practically been first in the door, hard not to notice that alone. Unlike the other fans running in she wasn't hooting and hollering, she wasn't running for that matter. She didn't rush to the front of the stage. She walked in with a determined look on her face, eyes roaming the room. She was also notably alone.

She made her way to the stage then turned back around, looking back at the room. He noted she seemed a little older than the usual crowd. Her outfit, tight skinny jeans that hugged every curve, a t-shirt hoody and sneakers. Just your average outfit so unlike the club clothes and high heels on the other girls bouncing around. Her back was turned and Anthony noticed her long curly hair. His fingers twitched wanting to touch it. It was long, longer then he had seen on some one in awhile. An amazing mass of purple and pink curls falling to her hips. He had always loved long hair and curls. Evan gave him a slap and Anthony realized he had said something. He smiled and pointed her out to Evan. Evan raised an eye brow and smirked.

As he watched her, she made her way from the stage to a spot near the back of the room. A small smile graced her face as she stationed herself leaning against a pillar just over from the raised VIP area. She glanced back to the stage. As the bar lights dimmed and the dance lights started to flash, he saw her moving and starting to rock to the music, and then she was gone from his view lost to the darkness and the crowds.

Evan grabbed Anthony's shoulder gave him a shake and they headed back so Evan could get ready. As they stepped into the green room Evan turned to Anthony and winked. "You should go for it man?" Anthony shook his head and laughed. The room was full of all sorts of people, musicians, press, and of course a handful of familiar faces. Smitty and Blarg had wondered in together and Anthony was looking forward to catching up. Evan split off from the group grabbed his guitar and headed off after a few quick hugs. The opening act was on and you could feel the base pounding through the walls.

They decided it was time, everyone was getting antsy. As they made their way out, and up into VIP section a few security guards kept them moving and the crowd away. The place was packed and loud, bodies already pressed into the stage, bouncing and moving with the music. Girls in short skirts, tight clothes and high heels were yelling and flirting, fans were yelling their names and taking pics with their phones. The younger guys were just soaking up the VIP rock star style status treatment.

Anthony could not believe the size of the crowd, of course he had seen the videos and pictures, he had even been at the Chicago show but still the air was electric. In person it was still crazy. To think they played games for fun on the internet, and now his friend was about to go out on stage to this crazy crowd. As his eyes scanned the crowd, he spotted the girl again.

She was still by the pillar, kind of leaning on it but at the same time moving to the music. He realized it wasn't far from the VIP section if he wanted, he could have reached out and almost touched her on his way past. It was a fantastic spot, with a great view of the stage and yet a nice "safe" distance away from the mass of fans. She had picked well.

It seemed so cliché to say she wasn't like the other the other girls. But there was something there that had grabbed Anthony's attention right away. Now he needed to figure out how to get her attention. Anthony's bad self esteem was a running joke, he had always been the fat friend, but after spending a lot of time at the gym and really learning how to dress he had started to find himself, and be comfortable in his skin. This may be his chance to put his new found self to the test.

He couldn't help but to notice she was still very much alone. It was so strange to see someone especially a girl alone at a club? Was this a Canadian thing? He realized he was totally checking her out and really liked what he saw. Some one let out a high-pitched shriek of Smitty's name, and her head whipped over to look at the sound.

A look of something close to fear flashed across her face for just a second and then their eyes met. A shy smile graced her lips and her eyes got big as she obviously recognized him. He returned her smile, but she quickly glanced away. He was pretty sure she was blushing. He was pulled away from his thoughts as Smitty grabbed his shoulder and dragged him away to point and wave at the people yelling for them.

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