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They have been dancing and singing and the night seems like it will go one forever. Teri decides she wants to add to her fun so she slips her hand around Anthony's drink, watching for his reaction as she carefully takes a small sip. It smells like vanilla or caramel the taste burns at first but the burn quickly changes to just a gentle warmth that flows through her entire body. She licks her lips and smiles as Anthony is laughing as her offers her one of her own. Before she knows she is surrounded by the others as they beg her to take shots with them. "Why not" She laughs joining the fun. She never strays far from Anthony; he is her sun and she is just a small planet orbiting around him.

Evan announces the last song of the night then points to the VIP section. He shouts out to the guys by name and a spot light lights up the balcony. People starts yelling and screaming again. Smitty and Matt run for the banister and yell and wave, Anthony just stands back a bit. Teri grabs his hand and drags him to the edge as the spot light drifts away.

Anthony is standing beside and slightly behind her. She wraps her hand tighter around his and pulls him closer to her, wrapping their arms around the front of her body. She feels him slides his hand on to her shoulder, twirling his fingers in her hair. Teri leans into his touch. She sways her hips and moves to the music. Her body is tingling, she knows it is a combination of alcohol and excitement but there is something else. The air feels warmer and her body tingles everywhere that touches Anthony.

As the music begins to fade and the lights dim, she turns more into Anthony's body. Teri smiles up at him, she feels absolutely lost in his eyes. Anthony slides the hand on her shoulder up to her neck. Everything goes quiet as Teri's eyes slide shut. She feels his breath against her lips, for a moment she thinks her heart has stopped. A spark going through her body; the world has stopped spinning. Time seems to stop.

The moment is shattered when there is a shout and Smitty is jumping on Anthony's shoulder, jostling the two of them. "Come on we gotta go back stage!" Teri can't help but start laughing, watching as Anthony's face goes from shock to total disbelieve and then he starts laughing. He drops his forehead to hers and they just stand there and laugh. Anthony turns and give Smitty a push. "OOPs" Smitty shouts laughing he grabs Matts arm and drags him away; in a Mario voice he shouts "LET'S GO!"

The security guard Kevin is at the bottom of the stairs still now with a couple others to lead them through the crowd to the back stage entrance. Anthony has his hand on Teri's arm leading her down the stairs. As they hit the floor, he turned to her "Come on, I'll introduce you to Evan" She looks confused and then looks around and at security. "I don't have a pass?" Anthony looks at Kevin, who is smiling and speaks up "No problem; just stick with Jiggly here. And I will lead the way."

Anthony knew how this would go. People shove a little, ask for autographs or pictures maybe, but he knew in Canada it was calmer than some other places. He looked over at Teri and could tell she was nervous. He pulled her in close, wrapping his arm around her "Don't worry girl. I got you." He made sure to keep her on the side away from the security and the crowd. He didn't want her getting hurt but he also didn't know if she would want to be in some social media post about who was here. He smiled at people that called out to him but kept moving, this wasn't his event it was Evans, he was just here for the show not to be a show.

Kevin checked back on them a few times as he led the way through the winding hallways to the rooms behind the stage. Anthony caught site of Smitty and Matt a few times with their own entourage of security as they dodged people with headsets and carrying equipment. There was a lot more people back here now then there had been at the beginning of the night. Teri had slipped from under his arm at some point and now was following along slightly behind him, her small hand clutching tightly to his. He figures they may have to do some hand shaking and smiling for cameras; he hoped he could dodge that and just find a quiet spot with Teri until they could grab Evan and leave.

The green room has a few couches and chairs and a little bar set up in the corner. When they walk in Anthony looks around to see who is there and what's going on. The guys have already grabbed more drinks and have flopped down on a couch. He doesn't spot Evan on his first look around. The room is loud and quickly filling up with people of all sorts, other musicians, youtubers, and who knows who. As he stands there, he feels Teri's hand tighten on his as she moves closer to him, wrapping her other hand around his arm. He looks down and realizes right away her mood has changed. Her eyes are down, she is breathing slowly and he can feel her trembling a little. He pats her hand, looks around and moves with her off to a corner as far away from everyone as possible.

Anthony pulls her closer turning them; putting himself between her and the room. "Are you ok?" He waits, breathing with her. She has stopped trembling but her eyes are still on the floor shoulders down, almost curling into herself. "Teri?" He asks softly. He sees a small shift as she nods her head. He leans in closer "I am going to need you to say it Teri" her hand tightens on his. As she looks up at him, she looks suddenly so small and a little lost and he realizes not only did he punch a guy for her tonight he would do anything to protect her. Once again, he wonders what this girl has done to him. She chews her bottom lip and her eyes flicker from his eyes around the room and then back to him. "I'm sorry" she whispers. "Don't be sorry" He reaches up and tucks a curl of hair behind her ear, running his thumb over her cheek. "Are you ok now? I know it can be a bit much being around this stuff. I also know anxiety and panic when I see it." He laughs giving her hand a squeeze; other hand still on her cheek. "Have you heard my stories about drinking and smoking before I stepped on stage?" She smiles finally her eyes sparkling. Anthony knows she is ok when she starts to laugh. "Just watch out for drunks in alleys throwing stones."

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