Yes Sir

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Teri loves being in Anthony's arms the way he can be so gentle and hold her. She smiles to herself remembering his strength when holding her hip or pulling her hair, she admits to herself she likes when he touches her. Gently kissing the top of her head, she feels him hum happily against her. She never wants to move. That's not going to happen though as she feels Anthony move out from under her. She makes a small sound wondering where he is going and he hushes her. As he lifts off the bed, she can't help but watch him. Her mind is in a fog, her body relaxed and she feels so content. On his return he is tugging the blankets down, climbing in beside her. He sits with his back against the headboard, offering her a bottle of water. Teri takes a sip the cool water soothes her ravaged throat. She curls up with her head on his lap and Anthony seems to automatically start running his fingers through her hair, gently petting over her head. "You know I wanted to do this from the first moment I saw you. Wanted to run my fingers through your hair." She can't help the smile on her face "Hmmmm" pressing herself to him, hoping he understands how much she is enjoying this. Its quiet and calm, soothing, she feels like she has found her place to be.

She feels herself fading in and out of consciousness, fighting sleep wanting to enjoy this. She just kind of drifts in this happy warm dream land. She feels Anthony moving again, she hears his water bottle bounce off the wastebasket, feels him reach over her and clicking the light. He slides down and pulls her up against his chest. She can't help but snuggle up tighter against him, listening to his heart beat and his breath slow. She could stay here with him forever. Fingers run along her hair line tucking hair behind her ear, she smiles looking up at him. His voice is low and quiet "You ok?" She tucks her face down against his chest, body shaking, trying not to laugh. Did he actually just ask that, after everything that has gone on. She's laughing when she looks back up at him. "Ok isn't the word I would use. I am okay, more than ok, Are you?" He pauses for a second, his eyes going soft and the look he gives her, makes her heart skip and then beat. "More than ok. I don't have the words" He drags her closer his hand wrapping around her neck thumb running along her cheek, he pulls her into a kiss. A slow beautifully loving kiss, that takes her breath away. He whispers against her lips. "Don't want you to ever leave." She kisses him her heart racing, realizing she isn't the only one with a lot of feelings right now her body feels like it melts against his. "I Don't want to leave.... ever"

She tangles her legs with his as he pulls her closer to him. She isn't sure how this is going to work. He lives far way; they aren't even in her home town right now. His voice is low, she can only just hear him. His voice quiet and soothing "I have the room for 4 days. Can you stay? Or?" She can't help but laugh lightly. She wants to stay but hadn't known how to ask and he has just offered her that option. She doesn't even have a change of clothes for tomorrow. "I don't work till next weekend... but I have no clothes or well anything?" His reply "Teri, if you want to stay, we can get you anything you need...I will get you anything you need." He is taking control; offering to take care of her and she really likes that. She smiles, letting herself sink against him, letting herself really relax and give herself over to how she has been feeling. "Hmmm" Her voice is quiet as she fights not to fall asleep "ok, ya" She feels him pull her in to kiss the top of her head again, feeling the sheets as they slide up over their bodies. The last thing she hears before falling into dreamland "Good night sweat heart"

He rolls over on his side, pulling the small warm body against his closer. He snuggles his face against Teri's shoulder, not minding the hair against his face. His heart is happy as his eyes open to look down at his little spoon. He wonders what time it is, but doesn't really care. He just lays there for a while, he watches Teri sleep. She looks so peaceful. He wants to learn everything he can about her, realizing he actually doesn't know much at this point. Anthony slides out from behind Teri, tucking the blankets up and around her. She makes a small noise and shifts a bit but settles back into the pillows, pulling one into her arms and snuggling in. He makes his way over to where he had left his phone last night, checking the time, its already after 11. He grabbed a pair of joggers dragging them on and making his way over to his laptop, he settles in the office chair. He needs to check his videos make sure they are queued up and ready for the next couple of days. He doesn't want to have to do any work while he can spend time with Teri.

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