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The work has been slow going. It's been three months now, but the machine was nearly done. I was happy as was WD. He'd be free soon! As far as the scientist went, I have reason to believe that we were.. Something more than friends.. My soul went crazy whenever I was with him. I've been reading up on it. 'Soul Mates'. The question was how do I admit that to him? He was a very intelligent man so maybe he already knew? I didn't know. He was a mysterious skeleton. One who showed me a whole new world that I'd never once thought I'd care about. Love works in strange ways. "i..i think it's ready!" Sans broke me from my thoughts. "Really? I looked up from the panel I was double checking. Well octuple checking. Something had seemed off, but I couldn't find what. "yeah! we can power it up now if ya want!" Sans looked unbelievably excited. I, no doubt, mirrored his expression. "WD will be free!" I cheered and screwed the panel cover back on.

He was inputting the last of the data to get WD back. "that should be it. ya ready?"
"I'm ready. Are you ready?"
"heh. i'm ready." We scampered back as Sans pressed the start button. There was a whirring sound as it booted up. It grew louder and louder and you were both grinning as the air started to shimmer around the machine. Than there was a blaring. A red light flashed the machine clunked and I blinked, realizing what was about to happen. I grabbed Sans and dropped through a Ink Portal, an explosion echoing through the closing portal. We landed outside the Snowdin house. It was on fire. "no, no, no!" Sans curled into a fetal position as everything crumbled around him. I was frozen. Oh.. Oh stars.. WD.. To top it all off my phone went off. It was a number I didn't know. I answered it. "Hello? Is this Marionette?" I swallowed. "Yes.."
"I'm sorry Ms. Stein, but your grandmother, Harper, passed away this morning. Again my condolences." Now my world was crashing around me. First WD and now my grandma.. I broke down and threw the phone. I sobbed and hugged myself and screamed out in pain.

Undyne and Papyrus found us in our ever depressed state. Undyne took me home and my family was about as hysterical as I was. Dad hugged mom as she cried into him and grandpa was.. Nowhere to be found. I'll admit she'd lived WAY longer than she was supposed to, but I'd hoped she'd live forever I guess.. She was supposed to die four months ago. I thought she'd live forever.. I sat in my room, rocking and sobbing. The lights were out and the curtains were closed. It was safe to say that I wouldn't be coming out until the funeral.

I felt someone hugging me. I opened my bleary and tear stained eyes to see WD. "Shh, shh it's ok now.." He assured stroking my hair. "W-WD.. She.. She's gone.. I couldn't.. First you and now.."
"It's ok.. All will be well.. You can try again with the machine and your grandmother is in a better place. I know it hurts, I've been there, but believe me when I say that it's not over yet. Don't give up, Mari, stay determined." He murmured. "W-Wingdings.." I buried my face in his clothes. He tensed a little. He felt oddly ok with me calling him by his first name. "Rest my dear, get some rest."


It was the day of the funeral. Mom and I were in black dresses, much like that of the 1930s. Dad wore a suit and tie in black. Grandpa showed up in a tux that he'd wore at their wedding. Many toons were there. It made sense since she freed them. The animatronics were there too. Surprisingly, Frisk showed up too, with our monster friends. They were wearing a black jumper with a black rose pinned to it. Toriel and Asgore were wearing a black and purple dress and a black and purple tux with his cape on. Undyne was in her armor. Alphys was in a black pokadot dress. Papyrus was in his armor. Sans was also, much to my surprise, in a black and blue tux. "MY CONDOLENCES FRIEND MARI.." The others choiroused their own 'I'm so sorry's' and 'my condolences' and 'sorry for your losses'. I was looking down at her. She looked so peaceful. "hey kid.. i'm sorry.. I shoulda-"
"Let me stop you right there. None of this was your fault. You were grieving, as am I. I have reason to believe the machine was sabotaged." He blinked. "s-sabotaged?" I nodded. "Yes. When you were inputting the data. That is the only time it could have been.. WD understands. He said that he can wait. We can build it again. First though.. We need to find the saboteur." Sans looked at the casket. "you have a plan?"
"I do."
"my condolences, by the way." Once I  had time alone with her I made a promise. "I won't give up. I will save WD."

"How was the funeral?" WD asked. "It was.. Nice. Many of my parents and and grandparents friends were there."
"That is good."
"Frisk, Sans and the others were there too."
"Great. I'm sure Sans was upset about the.. Er.. Setback."
"He was. But it was sabotage."
"Sab- what makes you think that?"
"Do you think Sans or I would start it if we knew it was gonna blow? No. I checked that thing 8 times before we started it. It was in perfect shape. We were sabotaged and I'm gonna catch them." My eyes darkened. "They won't get away with this."
"I see.. Just.. Be careful. Don't pull a me and fall into the void or something." I snickered. "I won't."

For the Love of Science (Book 3 The Ultimate Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now