Cute and Unguarded but Secured

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(Cute Gabriel up there)

Gabriel's POV

I woke up on the table and see that papa was cooking. Daddy is on his seat while caressing my hair. "Morning sweetie. About time you wake up cuz you didn't get back before your curfew. ", I shivers as I remembered about last night. My friend brought me to their house to hangout but it was getting very late. I slept at their couch and they brought me back home only to be yelled by my papa.

"It's ok sweetie. Just don't ever come back home late and no going out to your friends house ok?", I nods and drinks my milk as I didn't want papa and daddy to get angry. I did broke a rule and was crying a bit. My daddy sighs and he rubs my shoulder. "Fine. You can hangout with your friend but you're grounded for this week.", I nods and wags tail as daddy always try not to make me cry and papa was done cooking.

They're both dragon and I got my green scales from my papa and my dark hair from my daddy. I do have a brother but he is already gone. He is one of the teacher's at my school and I got embarrassed by his brotherly concern for me as he sometime brings my stuff and extra food. I sighs as I notice something was not on my side. My bag is gone and I'm pretty sure that I had it on the table. "Papa, where is my bag?", I asks as I eat my bacon. "Equiste have it and he brings it with him as he heard about you breaking a rule", papa said and gave me more bacon with eggs. "Oh well. I'm done and I'm going to school papa", I smiled and walks out of the dining room.

I wore my blue t-shirt and grey long pants. They're not tight but dragon grows really big and fast. Demon dragons are more stronger than dragon and they're big as hell with packed body. I never seen one but if there is a big dragon that will be one. I got down and saw that dad was ready. He is bigger than me and more muscular. I'm big and muscular but lesser than my family members. My dad grabs me by my waist and force me to get into his car as he know that I'm waiting for my friends but thanks to last night, I don't think they trust them.

"Today I'm going to drop ya. Ok kiddo? Also, you will go home with your brother.", I whines as I don't like to be with my brother. He is the opposite of me. He is ruthless and have no mercy toward his enemy. He is my overly concern brother that thinks I'm not strong enough to take care of myself. "Daddy...can I just walk home on my own?", I said as he doesn't want me to be with my friends. "No kiddo. You go with your brother!", he raised his voice and I just nods.

As we arrived at Treasian High, I walks out of the car and went to my locker immediately. Daddy's voice echoed through the hall as he yells for my name. I ignores him and I look back to see him calling someone. Probably my Equiste and I know that I'm not gonna be free without a punishment. Just as I look back front, I bumps into Equiste. "Shit", I cursed lowly as I'm not allowed to curse which Equiste right now is angry about. "Do I hear you cursing? Cuz I remember damn well that you're not allowed to or even think about it. ", he said with anger in his voice. He drags me toward his office and his lecture starts now. "YOU KNOW YOU'VE BROKE A RULE AND YOU EVEN CURSE IN FRONT OF ME. IF PAPA AND DADDY HEARS ABOUT THIS, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!! I WILL PUNISH YOU NOW FOR CURSING IN FRONT OF ME AND I WILL NOT TELL PAPA AND DADDY ABOUT THIS!", he yells loudly but blocked others using his Soundproof Wall. I was glad and sad that my brother still tries to help me even when he's angry about what I did. He hugs me and pets my head which other teachers were watching at us. Even my homeroom teacher is watching with awe.

"Hehe hug as much as you want but don't be late for class Mr.Sinus.", she giggled and wags her husky tail. "Miss Anne can I have a word with you for a moment?", my brother said and he gestures me to sit down to wait for him. I sit on his chair and stares at gis desk. There were picture of our family, his books and my picture when I was a little dragon that just hatched from his egg.

I look under his desk and found my bag. Luck is on my side and Equiste came back with Miss Anne. "You can go now but with Miss Anne from now on.", I gasps and punches his shoulder. "Can't you just escort me or something?!", I yells at him and he looks at me with a cute pout. I hate that face! "Awww is my little brother scared and wants me to go with him?", he chuckle and push me to Miss Anne. "I have class to attend and paperwork to be done so Miss Anne will do for today",Miss Anne hugs me from my back and boops my snout. "He cute and don't worry about him. I will be the best teacher for you.", and I still wonder why she is single as she is a good person and pretty too. "Fine and let's go before Sir Sinus here nags on me", I pulls Miss Anne with me and I heard Equiste yells at me. Great another point to my punishment.

(Adios mi amigo. Next time will be Argus's POV and this is only one lover only story! No one can have Gabriel. Hehe I lied a bit)

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