Secret For Me

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Gabriel's POV

I was in his bedroom again and he said that he will spend some time with me. He told me that he got works to do and he will be back by 10 pm. I don't know why but it feels like I'm lonely when he's not around.

I exits the bedroom and went downstairs. There were voices from the other rooms and I decided to take a peek at them. What I heard was yelling and someone fighting with someone. "WHAT DOES MR.DEMISORY SEES IN THAT DRAGON?! CAN'T HE SEE THAT WE'RE FAR MORE SUITABLE TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!", a woman said and she had those slutty looks with some overdone plastic surgery. Yikes, I feel bad for that man to have these sluts to work for him. "I know right but please listen to me. I will make sure our plan works ok?", a man said and he had gun in his hand. "Make sure that he is either dead or gone from here", the woman said to the man.

I ran back upstairs to the owner's bedroom. I don't really know his name but the people here addresses him as Mr.Demisory. I sat on the bed and looks at my phone. There were a lot of messages and calls from my parent, Equiste, my friends and most of them were from Chris. I unlocks my phone and reads his messages.

'Hey honeyboo. Where are you right now?  Is everything ok? Please open your window so that I can see your beautiful face', those were sent at 5:50. I read the next message and it was sent on 7:30 which means just now. ' there. Please let me see you. Are you ok? Come on....don't do this to me Gabe..... I want to see you'. I sighs and texts him back as I know he won't stop unless I text him back. 'Hey Chris. I'm not at home but don't worry about me. I will be fine. Please go to sleep and goodnight soft giant', and send.

I stares at the ceiling and just rolls on the bed as I don't have freedom to roam around the mansion. Besides, Mr.Demisory won't let me go outside the bedroom unless he's around. He told me that it was for my own safety.

I look around the room and saw a  shelf full of books. I walks to it and looks at the book titles. The book have different titles but they have a green dragon on every cover except for one. It has a little dragon with light green scales. I pulled it out of the shelf but it was stuck and a click was heard from the shelf. It opens up into a secret room.

I went inside it as I know I did lock the door. What I saw was very shocking. The room was filled with my pictures and everything had me on them. A body pillow, a human-sized clay statue of me and more. I look the statue's body and he sure does look like me but his ass....was loose. This man is sick!

I look behind me and saw a the walls with pictures of my family and friends. Chris's pictures was there too but it was crossed and stabbed with a knife. Equiste had his pictures crossed too but my family had been circled. My friends had their pictures stabbed but not a lot like Chris.

I look at his laptop and opens it. It has a password of course! I tried unlocking it with idiot's password. No. Not this one. Maybe my birthday?  Its unlocked but I don't really know how to use it. I click on the files and saw that there were only data and status of me.

Gabriel Sinus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Weight: 274
Height: 158
Ability: Elements Manipulation
Date of Birth: 21/12

That was not all. There were all my favourites and more specific stuff about me. No wonder he knew how I like the food he had the cook made. He even knows where I live. This file was sent by someone on the yesterday. I'm screwed because this man is a very bad news. I found the files about him

Argus Demisory
Age: 39
Species: Demon Dragon
Weight: 756
Height: 189
Ability: UNKNOWN
Date of Birth: 18/7

That's all about him but why only that. I heard footsteps that is getting closer to me. I was too scared to move and the dominant aura was surrounding me. A pair of arms went to hug me by my waist and I felt something hard pressed against my back. "Didn't I told you to stay in the bedroom?", Argus said to me but I couldn't say anything. I'm strongly intimidated by him.

He roughly pulls me to the bedroom and toss me on the bed. He snaps his finger and our clothes disappears in an instant. "Bad dragon needs to be punished and daddy is more than pissed today cuz daddy had to kill some useless worker", he said with lust in his eyes and I noticed that he reeks of blood on him. "Y-You killed someone?", I managed to say but not look at his eyes.

"Yes but it was for your safety. Sebastian saw you walked out from our bedroom and went to eavesdrop on some useless garbage. He told me that those garbage are going to kill you. But worry not, cuz I killed them to protect you", he said with a grin and he grips my wrist very hard.

He sighs and sniffs my neck. I could feel him baring his sharp fangs that touched my neck. "I have to punish a bad boy for going out of our bedroom. But thanks to you, my lovely wife, we don't really need to introduce ourselves to each other", with that he sunk his fangs into my neck and my body was burning in pain. He is marking me! It's very painful and he bites deeper into my flesh. I want to escape from this painful punishment but he had wrapped his arms around my back and my body feels limp as he didn't release.

He let go of my neck after 15 minutes of pain and agony. He licks his lips as he had drained my blood and my neck was bleeding terribly. Then, he continues by licking my neck and slowly his massive cock rubs against my slit. I was already hard and he made it harder which my cock slightly went out of my slit. "Lets move on to the mating~", was all he said as he kissed my lips while grinding my slit with his draconic cock.

(To be continued and plz be patient cuz I know how hard y'all be like when ye read this)

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