Chapter 7

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We both walk hand in hand back to the main room to see Joker cutting his birthday cake. We all cheered. "Happy Birthday!" Everyone said. They all handed him their presents. Some cards and even a really sharp knife! After the party it was quite late and I wanted to go home. Me and Jonathon walked home until a man jumped out of a van and pointed a gun at us. "STEP AWAY FROM THE LADY!" He yelled and Jonathon. "NO! Put the gun down!" he shouted back.  He aimed the gun at him "Jonathon, please!" I said. He moved away. The man put a bag around my head and threw me in the back. "Danielle!" I heard Jonathon scream. I was so scared. I felt a hand on my neck. "We wont hurt you. But if your little weedy boyfriend calls for help, just think that your already dead" He spat into my face, which was covered. "Why am I here?" I whisper. He hears me. "Your Jonny-boy owes us some cash, we want to use you to get the money" He says. A tear rolled down my cheek.

Jonathons P.O.V:

I didn't know what to do. My heart was pounding as I ran after the van. It was no use. But there was one thing I could do but It probably might not work seeing as it includes one of my enemies, Batman. I knew where he was going to be, I saw him on the news last night. I run to the bridge and find reporters and camera men surrounding a damaged site. "Batman!" I shout. He recognizes my voice. He quickly grabs my collar and pulls me to the alley way, away from the media. "You better have not done anyt-" I cut him off quick. "My girlfriend is kidnapped by some random men with guns and she has been taken away in a grey van" I pant. He chuckles. "And?" He folds his arm. "Listen, she means everything, she is the only one I have. Please" I try not to cry. I'm standing in front of my enemy about to break into tears. "I'll help you" He says finally. I look up at him. "Thank you so much!" I say. "I need her name, age, and a bit about how she looks like" He said. "Well her name is Danielle Frost, She's twenty four, she has long brunette hair and blue eyes. She is a little shorter than I am" I say. His eyes light up. "You mean Dani?" He asks. How would he know? "Yes..."  I answer, confused. "She came to me, after you sprayed her with the fear toxin"  He says. I look down. He flies away to save her. Oh god. Please let her be safe. Please

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