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As I promised yesterday to the baby cat, I went to visit her and feed her before I go to my first class. I also went after lunch to check up on her and I'm planning to spend a little time after class also. I just can't leave a cat alone especially when it's so cute. I even brought a lot of snacks for her.

I was sketching HIM again, faceless and in side view. I'm making sure that his hair and jaw are defined as how I remember it. Every time I tried sketching his eyes, I ruin the whole thing so I stopped trying and just sketch him faceless from different views with heavy shadowing.

"It's him again? And faceless? Why do you keep leaving him faceless? It looks good but no offense, it's be more amazing if you don't leave his face blank." Lauren said as she arrived and take a seat to my right while I sat near the window, second from the last seat at the back. We don't have seat arrangement so we sat wherever we want, first come first seat though.

"I tried but I can't do this eyes right. It ruins everything! If only I can see his eyes again, I might be able to sketch it right." I said as I continue adding more details to my sketch.

"Is his eyes that pretty?"

"The word beautiful didn't even do any justice to how amazing his eyes are. It was hazel green as beautiful as the forest..." I stopped sketching and closed my eyes as I imagine it. I took a deep breath and I heard the door open but I didn't open my eyes.

"Everyone, take a seat!!" My eyes shot open when I heard the professor, I saw a guy standing next to him. He's looking at Mr. Hudson as whose arranging his papers, he looks kind of familiar, that hair. That wavy chocolate brown hair...

"Mr. Hayden, take a seat wherever you want. The class will start." Mr. Hudson said not looking at the man near him. The guy turned around fully facing us, his eyes search for a seat. His eyes swept past me for a second and come back, our eyes met and I gasp softly.

Light hazel eyes.. it's him! I can finally draw his eyes! I knew it, he studies here also!

I was staring at him as he started to walk towards me which means he will be seating behind me. He didn't take his eyes of mine as he walks, he was staring at me deeply, I was lost in thoughts. My mind is blank as white paper and I feel out of breathe every time he take one step forward.

"Stay away from him, Abi. He's bad news! Look away now or else you'll get in trouble!" I heard Lauren whispered me but I didn't take my eyes away from him until he walks past me. I look to my right and saw Lauren sending me warning glares.

Why would she say that? What's wrong with her? Can't she see how beautiful the man is? Yes, his aura screams bad boy and dangerous and mysterious but... he helped me. He must be not what he appears to be... I shouldn't judge someone I don't know yet.

"Abi, I'm warning you! Stay away from James! He's bad news! Just please stay away from him, will you?" She closed her locker hard which startled me and look at her, she seems anxious. But I can't just judge a person because someone told me something.

"Stop being paranoid, Lauren. I will stay away from him so stop that. Do you know him that well to judge him? Are you two close or something?"

"No, we're not. It's just... just listen to what I say. It's for your own sake, I know enough so trust me and just avoid him." She sounds so serious, just because of that guy named James. What did he do that makes Lauren act like this? I thought Lauren was the flirty and funny type of a person that is rarely serious or not at all.

"Yeah yeah.. Anyway, do you know the name of the black cat at the back of the garden?"

"I don't know, I've never been there. It's off limits, don't go there."

Why is it that everything I discover is off limits? Even though it's a beautiful place or a handsome guy. What's wrong with Tashmere?

"Hi there beautiful ladies especially you, Abigail." Niall appeared out of nowhere. I look at his arm wrap around my shoulder and frown at him, he winked at me with a huge grin in his lips.

"Get your filthy hands off us, we don't know where you put it! Eww" I grimace at what Lauren said and quickly struggle his hands off.

"Hey! I washed my hands after you know what" I don't know if what he's saying is about poop or sex but looking at him, it must be the latter. Iwww

"Anyway, Friday night at my house! You better be there especially you, Abi! It's your first party here. Don't worry I'll make sure that you'll be safe and have fun." I rolled my eyes and look away from Niall as I nod my head to him. I saw him with his back on my view, closing his locker with a camera in his hands and he turned around, once again our eyes met but it was quick as he walk away.


Why would they put this garden into off limits if it's so beautiful?

The campus is connected to the forest of Tashmere as well as the garden, it was huge and magnificent. The garden is behind the school, beside the hallway of the first floor, there are step stones for three pathways and the garden I went yesterday is connected to the third one. As I reach the end of the third pathway's step stones, there is a tall fence with vines entangled and an "off limit" signage which I ignored twice. As I enter the fence, I was greeted by the majestic view of the huge pond and the old tree house with a sway and the baby black cat playing with the leaves near the fences.

I bring out the snacks I brought with me for the kitty, I went to the sway and called her out. I put down the snacks and watch her eat. I bring out my sketch pad and pencil, I started sketching the magnificent view of the pond. I was too focused on my sketching that I didn't heard the fence door.

"Don't move."

And I froze.

The guy in the shadowWhere stories live. Discover now