Yuna had been acting a bit strange lately so Jimin decided to check on her while she did her homework in the kitchen. "Hey honey are you alright"
Jimin noticed how she tensed up when he asked."Yes appa just a little stressed from school" she laughed
"take a break I wanna talk to you okay"
She looked at Jimin before putting her papers in the folders. Jimin pulled the chair from the table and scooted closer. " I wanna talk about your drug overdose, we never discussed it"
Yuna's eyes diverted from Jimin's,
"Sweetheart I'm not judging or blaming you, it just upsets me that I wasn't there to help you" Jimin said as his eyes begin to water."I'm just trying to remember you guys it's so hard to do and it breaks my heart that I can't" Jimin voice cracked as his tears fell down.
"Appa don't cry please I just did my makeup" yuna laughed feeling her own tears fall as well. Jimin smiled,"i just want you to know I'll love you no matter what okay, but if you ever feel like that again just come to me ok". Jimin gently grabbed yuna's hands in a comforting manner.
"Okay appa"
Jimin smiled before he leaned in and kissed her forehead."my pretty girl" Jimin cooed making yuna laugh.
"Now let's find your crazy dad"
"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled causing yuna to laugh. She looked around the kitchen for her dad but she spotted him through the backdoor playing outside with Maya and she couldn't help but smile.
"Dad's outside with Maya"
"Oh he is I swear he was just right here" Jimin said watching the two outside. Just then the front door opened and Irene came in with bags.
"Irene that's alot for one meal" Jimin giggled.
"I know Mr. Jeon but it's going to be very delicious" Irene laughed when she dropped a bag but yuna helped her while making eye contact before both looked away.
Just then Jungmin came downstairs with his three buddies who had spent the night over. Jimin had yelled at the boys for waking up maya from her nap when played video games. They were all scared of the short angry mochi(A\N:rawr, sorry I had too)
Jimin was still mad at him because Maya didn't go to sleep til five in the morning. "Hii appa" Jungmin smiled but Jimin looked at him with a very unamused face."what is it Min"
"Umm see I accidently broke dad's Iron man collectible"
Jimin's eyes widened and even Yuna's turned around in the blink of an eye.
"Jeon Jungmin are you serious" Jimin said placing down his phone. His friends handed him the bag in which he gave it to Jimin. It was one of the first gifts Jimin gave to the taller and he had kept it all these years. He opened the bag before looking inside the bag when he covered his mouth and his eyes watered. The figure was broken in half and Jimin smiled painfully at the message on the bottom. "To my kookie"
"Min do you know how much this means to your father"
"I'm so sorry appa it was an accident i-i swear" Jungmin said voice a bit shaky.
"Your father's not gonna be happy" Jimin chuckled softly.
The smaller looked behind him to his friends," I suggest you guys leave if you don't want to witness what is about to happen" Jimin said holding up the broken figure. In the speed of light his friends went up and came back down with all their things and left the house quickly.
"Good luck Jungmin" Mark said not forgetting to close the door behind him.
Irene and Yuna stood there quiet as ever as they watched the scene unfold before the eyes. "C-Can we fix it" Jungmin begin to panic as his saw his father coming towards the screen door in the backyard with Maya.
When he walked in everyone was silent and just looked at each other. Maya and Jungkook looked at each other confused."why is it quiet" maya said cutely.
Still no one spoke but when his eyes landed on the figure in jimin's hand his smile dropped immediately.
"Who did it"
Everyone looked around exchanging eye contact.
Once Jungkook started to take off his belt everyone in the living room bolted except for Irene and Jimin who of course couldn't go anywhere. Jungmin was smart, he wasn't going to stay in the house, so he bolted out the front door as his father chased him out the door. Jimin finally rolled his way outside to see Jungkook beating his son with his belt in the road.
"Dad I'm sorry" Jungmin yelled while Jungkook let loose on dat ass (A\N:rip dat ass). Jungmin was eighteen but that didn't mean anything at all.
"Kook don't" Jimin whined in a annoyed voice while watching the two.
"Jungkook if you hit my son one more time you'll sleep on the couch for a week" He hit the boy one more time before looking up at Jimin before walking back towards the house. He watched how fast Jungkook was walking towards him so he rolled back into the house quickly.
The two girls had a blast watching their brother get annihilated by their father from the upstairs window. Eventually Jungmin walked through the hallway and the two acted like they were watching the tv.
"Kook we can fix it , that was very unnecessary" jimin said kissing Jungkook's chin who still very upset but jimin of course calmed him down. Yes the collectible cost a lot when Jimin was in college but it could be fixed.
"Hey where are min's friends"
Before Jimin could answer Jungkook came to the realization that they sprinted away before he found out about the figure.
Later on that night it was fairly quiet more than ever and Jimin had went to sleep early.
"What the fuck Irene... why would you tell my daughter something between me and you"
"You don't think she needed to know Jungkook, and sooner or later you're going to have to tell jimin about it"
Jungkook sighed deeply looking back at the house where everyone was fast asleep."But we made a deal"
"Things will have to get bad before they get better Jungkook" Irene said before walking back towards the house leaving Jungkook all alone to think.

The Truth Untold (Jikook){sequel To Journey} {COMPLETED}
أدب الهواة"I can't do this anymore" {sequel to Journey} in which jimin is diagnosed with a tumor on the right side of his heart. He doesn't understand why it's there but he's not accepting death today. He and jungkook have children and he's not going to leave...