Roadside Rumble

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"So. What's on your bucket list?" Sonic asked.

"Me?" Tom hummed.

"Yeah! Everyone's got a bucket list, right?"

You were on the road again, this time passing through Siskiyou, California. You left the hotel at 8:00, as Tom said you should, and it's been awfully quiet the entire ride. You took a small nap, even.

"I mean, sure, but, you're the ones leaving Earth," Tom shrugged. "And I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

"Hohoho, don't be so sure! Your best friend is a magnet for danger."

Best friend?

You elbowed his side, seething. "What am I? Chopped liver?" You growled. He whispered, "Don't worry, you'll always be my #1. I'm just trying to get answers. Detective style." He winked. You just crossed your arms and gave him the signature (Y/N) look of disapproval. You usually pulled that look when Sonic did something that you disapproved of, so it was a pretty frequent expression.

"Oh, so you're anointing yourself as the bestie? Mhmm..." Tom nodded with a look on his face. "A little presumptuous, but—"

Sonic's smile dropped.

"—I mean, I like you, of course, but we're not best friends."

"... you tucked me in last night." Sonic said, monotone. Tom snorted with laughter. But the hedgehog continued, "Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend."

"Really?" You hissed. He only raised a finger and put it on your lips to shut you up.

"That would be my dog Ozzy." Tom answered.

"Okay, let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation." Sonic groaned, but pulled a lighthearted look. "Bucket list, give it to maaaaaae!"

"Okay. There is... one thing." Tom sighed.

You two looked at him with childlike wonder. It was almost surprising what cute expressions you could pull off at 13 and 14.

"In Green Hills, I've always felt more like a babysitter than a real cop, y'know?"

You'd definitely know. You 'spied' on him for years.

Sonic gave him a little smile, his ear flicking, to prompt him continue.

"So I want a chance to prove myself under real pressure. I'm gonna move to San Francisco and become a street cop. And... I don't know. See if I have what it takes."

You were happy for him! He was going to find his place in the world, challenge himself, and you were there for that. You even clapped your hands together with a wide smile.

But a certain hedgehog wasn't happy.

He looked furious. Even Tom noticed his expression. "What? W-why is your face doing that?"

"You're LEAVING Green Hills?" He roared, upset.

"Oooookayyyy." Tom sighed.

"B-but—but—but, but why? Why would you leave Green Hills?" He stuttered.

"Sonic, calm down—" you said softly. He merely ignored you.

"This may be hard for you to understand, but Green Hills is a small town, it's a very small town!" Tom explained.

"Uh, it's not small, there are hundreds of people!" Sonic protested.

"That's a small town, dude!"

"It's a perfect town, and the people need you!"

"Please. I clean out their gutters, I jumpstart their cars in the winter, they can call anybody to do that."

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